AI - 人工智能;AR - 增强现实;CV - 机器视觉;DL - 深度学习;DM - 数据挖掘;DS - 数据科学;DV - 数据可视化;IOT - 物联网;ML - 机器学习;NLP - 自然语言处理
- [AI]#CEOSurvey_2019-02-08_10-26-52.xlsx
- [AI]How does Gradient Descent Interact with Goodhart? - LessWrong 2.0
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- [AI]What is a smart grid and why is it the future? – Irapua Ribeiro – Medium
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- [AR]r/augmentedreality - Where can SNAP operate in the world of Augmented Reality?
- [AR]Skanska, O’Rourke and Costain win share of £18m to develop digital technology | BIM+
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- [DL]20+ open source & free statistical, data analysis and notebook projects for data scientists
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- [DL]An Industrial Short Course on Deep Learning and the Latest AI Algorithms (Course-outline) - IPAM
- [DL]Artificial intelligence helps to make new drugs
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- [DL]Coding a 2 layer neural network from scratch in Python
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- [DL]Enlitic
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- [DL]PyTN Talk 2019.pdf
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- [DL]r/MachineLearning - [D] The Limitations of Deep Learning for Vision and How We Might Fix Them
- [DL]r/MachineLearning - [R] A Generalization Theory of Gradient Descent for Learning Over-parameterized Deep ReLU Networks
- [DL]Revisit fuzzy neural network : bridging the gap between fuzzy logic and deep learning - Semantic Scholar
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- [DL]victorqribeiro/carGamePerceptron
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- [DS]R-bloggers
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- [DS]When should I hire a data scientist? – Carl Anderson – Medium
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- [DV]Mapbox Webinar – Visualizing Geospatial Data at Scale | Arcadia Data
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- [IoT]One small step for UK Government; one giant leap for IoT security | Lexology
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- [IoT]Thousands of industrial refrigerators can be remotely defrosted, thanks to default passwords
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- [ML]3 promising areas for AI skills development
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- [ML]Artificial Intelligence and Art | DW | 08.02.2019
- [ML]Artificial intelligence art to be auctioned at Sotheby’s
- [ML]Artificial intelligence can identify at-risk patients, inform care and improve disease prevention
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- [ML]Data scientists mostly just do arithmetic and that’s a good thing
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- [ML]dh7/ML-Tutorial-Notebooks
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- [ML]Dr. Stylianos Kampakis on LinkedIn:
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- [ML]Python Pandas: Tricks & Features You May Not Know – Real Python
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [D] Weighted Cosine Similarity
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [R] ColorNet: Investigating the importance of color spaces for image classification
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [R] DeepSets: Modeling Permutation Invariance
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - Don't Unroll Adjoint: Differentiating SSA-Form Programs
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- [ML]The AR Roundup: February 2019 – Tom Emrich – Medium
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- [ML]Waymo CTO on the company’s past, present and what comes next
- [ML]Weekend update: Huawei fears grow, New York tops index, marketing in the #MeToo era and robot chefs | Articles | Big Data
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