17. MarkerView (Popup View)(MPAn

作者: xiaobug | 来源:发表于2017-11-08 13:27 被阅读60次


    第8节.Setting Colors(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第9节.Formatting Data Values (ValueFormatter)(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第10节-Formatting Axis Values (AxisValueFormatter)(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第11节.General Settings & Styling(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第12节.Specific Settings & Styling(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第14节.Dynamic & Realtime Data(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第15节. Modifying the Viewport(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第17节. MarkerView (Popup View)(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第18节. The ChartData class(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第19节. ChartData subclasses(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第20节. The DataSet class (general DataSet styling)(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第21节. DataSet subclasses (specific DataSet styling)(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第22节. The ViewPortHandler(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第23节. Customizing the Fill-Line-Position (FillFormatter)(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第24节. Proguard(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第25节. Realm.io mobile database(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第26节. Creating your own (custom) DataSets(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)
    第27节. Miscellaneous (more useful stuff)(MPAndroidChart中文翻译)


    IMarker interface (IMarker接口)

    public interface IMarker {
         * @return The desired (general) offset you wish the IMarker to have on the x- and y-axis.
         *         By returning x: -(width / 2) you will center the IMarker horizontally.
         *         By returning y: -(height / 2) you will center the IMarker vertically.
        MPPointF getOffset();
         * @return The offset for drawing at the specific `point`. This allows conditional adjusting of the Marker position.
         *         If you have no adjustments to make, return getOffset().
         * @param posX This is the X position at which the marker wants to be drawn.
         *             You can adjust the offset conditionally based on this argument.
         * @param posY This is the X position at which the marker wants to be drawn.
         *             You can adjust the offset conditionally based on this argument.
        MPPointF getOffsetForDrawingAtPos(float posX, float posY);
         * This method enables a specified custom IMarker to update it's content every time the IMarker is redrawn.
         * @param e         The Entry the IMarker belongs to. This can also be any subclass of Entry, like BarEntry or
         *                  CandleEntry, simply cast it at runtime.
         * @param highlight The highlight object contains information about the highlighted value such as it's dataset-index, the
         *                  selected range or stack-index (only stacked bar entries).
        void refreshContent(Entry e, Highlight highlight);
         * Draws the IMarker on the given position on the screen with the given Canvas object.
         * @param canvas
         * @param posX
         * @param posY
        void draw(Canvas canvas, float posX, float posY);

    Creating a MarkerView (创建一个标识视图)


    public class YourMarkerView implements IMarker { ... }



    public class YourMarkerView extends MarkerView {
        private TextView tvContent;
        public MyMarkerView(Context context, int layoutResource) {
            super(context, layoutResource);
            // find your layout components
            tvContent = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tvContent);
        // callbacks everytime the MarkerView is redrawn, can be used to update the
        // content (user-interface)
        public void refreshContent(Entry e, Highlight highlight) {
            tvContent.setText("" + e.getY());
            // this will perform necessary layouting
            super.refreshContent(e, highlight);
        private MPPointF mOffset; 
        public MPPointF getOffset() {
            if(mOffset == null) {
               // center the marker horizontally and vertically
               mOffset = new MPPointF(-(getWidth() / 2), -getHeight());
            return mOffset;

    Getting / Setting the Marker(获取/设置标记)


    IMarker marker = new YourMarkerView();


    IMarker marker = chart.getMarker();

    Predefined Markers (预定的标记)


    • MarkerView: 基本标记.允许提供一个资源布局在图表表面上显示标记.集成该类并重写refreshContent(...)方法来调整标记数据.
    • MarkerImage: 一个绘制图片的标记.允许提供一个图片资源在图表表面上显示标记.集成该类并重写refreshContent(...)方法来调整标记数据.

    Legacy MarkerView (传统标记视图)

    在v3.0.0之前的版本中,MarkerView类负责在图表中突出显示的位置绘制标记.关于该类的详细信息请访问旧的MarkerView wiki page.



      • 波波一起飞:如果显示两条折线,怎么让两条折线都显示MarkerView呢?目前只能显示一个
        xiaobug:@波波一起飞 试过,没毛病
        波波一起飞:@出来吧小bug 你试过吗?
        xiaobug:@波波一起飞 看一下第三节,heightValue这一节,应该有帮助

      本文标题:17. MarkerView (Popup View)(MPAn
