Stoner人生中的高光时刻 - 爱情线 - Chapter XII - Part Two
Then, one afternoon in the main office, as he was removing some mail from his box, he overheard a young instructor mention to another that Katherine Driscoll was ill, that she hadn’t met her classes for the past two days. And the numbness left him; he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his resolve and the strength of his will went out of him. He walked jerkily to his own office and looked with a kind of desperation at his bookcase, selected a book, and went out. By the time he got to Katherine Driscoll’s apartment he was out of breath, so that he had to wait several moments in front of her door. He put a smile on his face that he hoped was casual, fixed it there, and knocked at her door.
电影 He's just not that into you 里有个被反复提及的理论,如果一个男生真的对你动了心,那么他会想尽一切办法,寻找所有的机会以接近并设法得到你。所以,对于那些傻傻等电话等微信等邮件想着“他怎么还不联系我啊,一定是被什么重要的事情耽误了”的女孩子们,赶快认清现实吧,一切反常背后,只不过都是一句:其实他并没那么喜欢你罢了。
相比原著的决绝,电影最终还是给出了若干幸福圆满的结局,揭穿男性通用撩妹技巧的同时仍鼓励女孩子们要守住真心、迎候挚爱。妥妥的政治正确 & 主旋律。回想自身经验,恋爱初期还真有过一日不见如隔三秋的时候,两次见面的间隔时长绝对不能超过24h。现在想来总觉可笑,也就只有在当时那种无所挂牵的自由时光里,才会把对异性的情感看得比一切都重要吧。
Once inside the little sitting-bedroom, his nervous inanity dropped away. He sat in the chair opposite the bed and felt the beginnings of a familiar ease come over him when Katherine Driscoll sat across from him. For several moments neither of them spoke.
划重点:"a familiar ease"。归属感么,哈哈。
“Shut up,” she said softly, fiercely. “Oh, my dear, shut up and come over here.”
He found himself trembling; as awkwardly as a boy he went around the coffee table and sat beside her. Tentatively, clumsily, their hands went out to each other; they clasped each other in an awkward, strained embrace; and for a long time they sat together without moving, as if any movement might let escape from them the strange and terrible thing that they held between them in a single grasp.
╮(╯_╰)╭ 看到这段本应心情激动的哇,或者干脆引用个网上很火的表情包,来个姨母笑呗。终于捅破窗户纸了呢!然而又想起一些往事来,若能坐上时光机回到过去,恨不得冲上去给当时的自己几个大大的嘴巴子的那种,无知无畏的蠢货么🤦♀️幸而幸而,都过去了,也结束了。