19/02/2024 rainy day
Is my sweetheart up?Ready for first day of school, teacher?
Oh, my boo-boo; she only needs to get to work by 9:00am.so it was too early when I tried to wake her up.Iwoke up before 6:00am this morning and drove to meet my fren in KL. He lives next to the International School that I sent you the location.
A very lucky and happy dear of yours. Just got home from the gym with my fren helping me out with the correct techniques on how to build muscles. Hopefully getting ready by April or July so that I am strong.
Sorry about not being responsive to your msg. Philip was sitting next to me and your msg kept popping up on the screen. Since he is normally a pretty sharp person I thought he might get wind of our fast relationship. Of course I am very proud of it but I think let him know soon but not too soon. Haha.
It was earlier today for lunch with my mama, sister visiting from Dallas and youngest brother and of course P.Because P is leaving for Denver in two days he want to have a meal with mama.
I didn’t read your msg until now. Just before opening WeChat to read the msg I wanted to write the following … my mind is filled with fond thoughts of you (what’s wrong with me ?) and I wanted to write you around your lunch time but you beat me to it. I didn’t want to disturb your learning or teaching but nevertheless I LOVE ya!