--将 table_b表的数据【插入|更新】到table_a表中
## table_a表与table_b有关联关系
merge into table_a a
using (select b.aid,,b.year from table_b b) c on (
when matched then /*id已存在更新字段*/
update set a.year=c.year,
when not matched then /*id不存在插入数据*/
insert(,,a.year) values(c.aid,,c.year);
merge into table_a a
using (select 'uuid1' as aid from dual) c on (
when matched then/*id已存在更新字段*/
update set a.year= 19,'tom'
when not matched then /*id不存在插入数据*/
insert(,,a.year) values('uuid1','tom',19);
————————————— or—————————————
merge into table_a a
using (select 'uuid1' as aid ,'tom' as name, 19 as year from dual) c on (
when matched then/*id已存在更新字段*/
update set a.year= c.year,
when not matched then /*id不存在插入数据*/
insert(,,a.year) values(c.aid,,c.year);
使用虚表merge into
--*** 正确写法
merge into table_a a
using (
--虚表 temp_table
with temp_table as (
select as aid, as name,tb.year as year
from table_a ta
left join table_b tb on ta.idcard = tb.idcard
select * from temp_table
) c on (
when matched then .........
when not matched then .........
--*** 错误写法写法
with temp_table as (
select as aid, as name,tb.year as year
from table_a ta
left join table_b tb on ta.idcard = tb.idcard
merge into table_a a
using (select * from temp_table) c on (
when matched then .........
when not matched then .........
merge into
merge into table_a a
using (select 'uuid1' as aid from dual) c on (
when matched then
update set a.year= 19,'tom'
merge into table_a a
using (select 'uuid1' as aid from dual) c on (
when not matched then
insert(,,a.year) values('uuid1','tom',19);