诗篇 78:1-8 CUNPSS-神
“我的民哪,你们要留心听我的训诲, 侧耳听我口中的话。 我要开口说比喻; 我要说出古时的谜语, 是我们所听见、所知道的, 也是我们的祖宗告诉我们的。 我们不将这些事向他们的子孙隐瞒, 要将耶和华的美德和他的能力, 并他奇妙的作为,述说给后代听。 因为,他在 雅各中立法度, 在 以色列 中设律法; 是他吩咐我们祖宗要传给子孙的, 使将要生的后代子孙可以晓得; 他们也要起来告诉他们的子孙, 好叫他们仰望神, 不忘记神的作为, 惟要守他的命令。 不要像他们的祖宗, 是顽梗悖逆、居心不正之辈, 向着 神,心不诚实。”
“我要说出古时的谜语, 是我们所听见、所知道的, 也是我们的祖宗告诉我们的。 我们不将这些事向他们的子孙隐瞒”。我们的下一代能认识神就是因为有人述说神的作为。让我们孩子有机会听到主的吩咐。
下一代, 诗篇
Pass it on to the next generation!
Psalms 78:1-4, 7 NLT
O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past— stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders…..So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.
Here is a long psalm to remind Israel of her history and how God has been reaching out to her despite her rebellion and rejection. Its so easy to forget God’s goodness and spiral down a cycle of rebellion. Yet, Asaph reminded us to teach these lessons to the next generation. Tell them of God’s wonderful deeds. Let each generation be set anew and afresh for the Lord! Let the new generation anticipate God to do new things amongst them! Let them marvel at His Amazing Grace and Power!
Lord, help me pass on to the next generation, help my children know you and experience you! Let them not merely have head knowledge but to truly know You as the Lord who delivers Israel from Egypt, the One who parts the Red Sea and the One who created the Universe! Let our next generation understand your might works! In Jesus’ name, Amen