127 clout 2019-03-19

127 clout 2019-03-19

作者: 薄荷巧克力_ | 来源:发表于2019-03-19 14:48 被阅读0次

127 clout
the authority to make decisions, or the power to influence events.
v. 猛击
n. 权势(uncountable noun)
v. 猛击
n. 权势(uncountable noun) =influence, power
我的翻译:To enlarge his clout, he writes a book.
参考翻译:He wrote a book to boost his clout.
权势滔天并不意味着道德品质高尚。There no relationships between the clout and moral character.
韩国娱乐圈的众多大佬都在近日的丑闻中脱不了身。South Korean clouts goes into a tailspin because of the recent scandal.


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      本文标题:127 clout 2019-03-19
