英文绘本公益亲子共读Day72—You Are My Heart(适合年龄:2-6岁)有关父母对孩子的爱之话题,每每读起来都会觉得非常优美和温暖。Marianne Richmond的这本You Are My Heart光看题目就能够感受到浓浓爱意了,她的作品主要是受到四个孩子的启发,她不断地从四个孩子身上获取能量和感动时刻,然后画在她的作品里。而她的插画温暖而清醒,彩色丰富人物看上去也非常萌,文字押韵,温暖柔软,值得经常拿起细细回味。
这本绘本就像一首长诗而又有很强的韵律,读起来非常动听,就算是小朋友自己读也会因为韵律而容易朗朗上口。比如孩子之于母亲的意义“Before you were born, my heart always knew, I wanted to be a good parent to you.”“What I couldn’t have known was ALL that you’d be, by you being you and giving to me!”“You are my wonder seeing life through your eyes, where boxes and blankets are play in disguise.”“‘Am I your mad, too?’you ask with a smile. ‘Cause I know you get grumpy once in a while.”“You are my clam when I watch you asleep, dreaming your dreams in your quiet so deep.”还有妈妈的期待“I imagined for months how our family would be, the things you would learn, the places we’d see.”
英文绘本公益亲子共读Day72—You Are My Heart(适合年龄:2-6岁)故事里面有描述很多妈妈和孩子能够一起做的有趣的事情,还有一些游戏也是非常押韵的“You are my giggle when we made FUNNY faces, blow bubbles, jump puddles, and run silly races.”“You are my cozy when we snuggle up tight, trading kisses and wishes before our good night.”韵律美妙的句子就容易让人联想到美好的画面,亲子情浓互道晚安的画面一下子跃然眼前。“Yes, you are my patience that gets put to the test when the day feels hard, and we both need a rest.” 孩子就是自己辛劳一天后甜蜜的安慰。
书中也有如何培养孩子的好品质和好习惯,比如“You are my brave when TOGETHER we face new things that move us from our comfortable place.”“You are also my grace when we learn how to say’I made a mistake—let’s start a new way.’”“You are my PROUD when your BEST is enough, knowing trying is TRUE, and trying is TOUCH.”
孩子至于母亲也是最珍贵的,“You’re my joy beyond joy to grow you, my child, my delight, and my thankful, my adventure, my wild.”“You are ALL this and more, a gift from the START. You are my blessing and love—you are my heart.”我突然感觉,每位母亲都可以成为诗人,因为有爱,有宝贝,有千言万语。