作者: 邦旎旎 | 来源:发表于2017-03-15 23:46 被阅读61次


    Thanks to AIESEC for providing this chance to me to dosomething for the world. Thanks to AIESEC in UTP to help us and be friends withus. Thanks for my EP manager caring me and helping me to solve the problems I met.Thanks for my friends in this program. Thanks for the students we met liking usand support us. Thanks for this experience. I will treasure the golden memoryforever.


    Here is the introduction of the report for VOTE. In theprogram we went to several schools and some special homes to do preparations onthe protection of the environment. We focused on the climate change and toldstudents about the pollution, waste, 3R and endangered animals. Also we playedgames and did handwork to make waste into useful things. The report followingis going to cover detailed information of the process of preparation made byeps, feedback of the program, conclusion and related recommendations forimproving program’s quality.

    3.Detailedwrite-up of daily /weekly activities carried over the duration of the program, supportedwith pictures of activities carried out

    At the first week, we attended the IPS, the preparationand training course for the new volunteers. We played interesting games to makeus new guys close, the most impressive game is the one that we teach ourpartner our language and close our eyes to walk through the obstacles with theguidance of our partner. That’s the first time I talked with Yasas, the onlyboy in our program. I thought he was shy. We did a very good job in this game.The game told us to trust our partner, our friends. I really like it.

    Then the next week we went to SMK TIWA. I really reallylove the days in the SMK TIWA! Students there are friendly, warm hearted andpolite. Also their teachers are very very nice like friends.


    At the first day, Manisha and Yasas did a totalintroduction of the program about who we are, what we are doing here and why wechoose you. Clytie did an introduction of herself and we did very good job thisday. Manisha is so good. She born to be a leader. She really knows how to chatwith the students and impress others. I was so nervous before we came to thisschool but when I saw the students cute and warm face I felt at ease like theyare my bros and sis.

    The next day is my presentation. They helped me to findvideos about different kinds of pollution. I was nervous and I am really notgood at that, my friends helped me a lot. They discussed with me about thepollution I should talk about, which video is better for the teenagers. I wasso nervous that day that I kept no smile on my way to SMK TIWA. My friendscomforted me and encouraged me. Without their encouragement I won’t be able todo the presentation in front of so many students with English. It was my firsttime did that. Even in Chinese I was not good at presentation but the studentsin SMK TIWA are so sweet. They supported me at their seats. When I saw themwere concentrated on me and smile at me, I felt I was full of energy andcourage. I brought my Chinese traditional clothes for them to try on. They areso excited about that. During the presentation Clytie helped me to translatewhen I had something don’t know how to say. Manisha helped me to play with theboys and girls. Amber and Yasas helped me to take the students into differentgroups. We gave them big white paper to write down their solutions on the paperand do presentations. What’s more, Clytie gave them some brief suggestions onhow to do presentations. It was really a wonderful day.

    At Wednesday, Manisha did her presentation on waste.Before that sponsors made their presentation first, which spent one hour.They did experiment and gave tools to thestudents. Students were concentrated on that. Then Manisha gave her speech. Sheis so good! She really knows how to concentrate others. She made the class hot.So nice! To make the class more interesting we took the quiz in. we group theminto boys group and girls group. They took turns to answer the questions.Students were so good. Most of the questions were answered correctly. Some werewrong, then Manisha would explain to them.

    Thursday is our last day in SMK TIWA. I feel sad aboutthat. First Amber did her speech about the endangered animals. I helped her tolook for videos about panda. I was so happy when the boys and girls keptlaughing when the video was on. Then Clytie did her speech about 3R, usingquizzes and group discussion. We also asked students to write sugar cubes toget feedback. Everyone got a lot of sugar cubes. I read them so carefully andfelt so moved. I turned on my Instagram to add them as my friends. When weended the program in this school, we took photos and selfie with students andteachers. Their tutors made speech and treated us lunch. I felt so sad andcan’t help crying. It’s so difficult to say goodbye to these cute boys andgirls!

    On Tuesday, we went to SMK SULTAN YUSSOF to teach. It’s thesecond school. I was looking forward to it. When we arrived there, I sawChinese boys who can speak fluent Mandarin and Cantonese. It surprised mebecause even I could only speak and understand Mandarin. They are so brilliantbecause they can speak mandarin, Cantonese, English and Malay.But because we only had one day there,actually 3 hours so we decided to combine my session with Clytie’s session,considering 3R is one of the solution to pollution. In fact because of somereasons only I made presentation that day because of the lack of time. AlsoClytie made a speech on the skills to do presentation. Then students wrotetheir solutions on the white paper and do presentations.

    On Wednesday (25th Jan) Manisha made presentation in SMK WIRAJAYA about wastage in the same way we did in SMK TIWA. There are so manyChinese boys and girls. The boys are so energetic. It’s hard to concentrate theboys’ attention. But we tried and made it. They listened to us and Manisha didsuch a good job to control the class.

    Then the next third week we went to do our program inorphanage on Monday (30th Jan). We went to the precious gift home, before wemet children we talked to headmaster there about children’s situation. Thehousekeeper talked to us and treat us coffee tea and nice biscuits. He welcomedus so warmly. Then we met children. The children here some are so small, only 4or 5 years old. It’s difficult for the young boys to understand what we madebefore. So we changed our plan. We played cute videos for them and told them todraw pictures of the usages of waste plastic and we noticed the children therewere too young to understand what we said, we asked them to draw ‘uses of wasteplastic bottles’ because it’s much safer than let them make the bottles withknives and scissors. And then we showed them videos and made some explanation. Althoughthey are young but they are warm cute and clever.

    On Thursday (2th Feb) we went to another orphanage, it’san Indian house, most of the kids are Indian. They are so warm! We showed themvideos and combined all the knowledge and sessions together and asked them tomake something new with plastic bottles and paper plates which provided by us. Wetook part in each group to do with them together.After they finished, we let them makeexhibition about what they made. After the class they came into a circle tomake me in, holding my hands and talking to me. They told me about a Chinesegirl named Cindy who had been to this house. They are so sincere that I don’twant to leave the house. One boy sent me an Indian coin as a gift.

    4.Reflectionson the program

    During this program, I met many friends from other

    countries. Sri Lanka, China and Malaysia like families. We worked together, we

    traveled together and we love each other. We were brothers and sisters that

    time and will be forever. I learned how to be a good teacher. Although I am not

    a good teacher, but I am learning it. I could feel the sincere and love inside

    the kids we met. It is such a wonderful experience. Like a dream. It ended so

    quickly. I love Malaysia. Hope I could come back again. I will miss utp, miss

    SMK TIWA, miss all the friends I made from this experience.

    5.Recommendationsfor improving the VOTE program

    I think this program is good. If there’s something to

    improve ,before we came to Malaysia, there would be a person contact us. But

    the person is always changing so it’s a little complicated for us to contact if

    we had some problems. What’s more, I think it would be better if we can stay in

    one school for more time. I felt so good when we were in SMK TIWA. The other

    school because we could only stay for one day so I won’t feel so warm. If we

    can stay for more time, we can be good friends with other schools students and

    we will be friends.



        本文标题:REPORT OF AIESEC
