hudi mor表数据读取

hudi mor表数据读取

作者: todd5167 | 来源:发表于2022-03-24 21:29 被阅读0次

hudi 数据读取以 fileSlice 为单位读取, 依次将 fileSlice 的basefile、logfile数据加载到内存根据新旧数据的合并策略将新旧数据进行merge。

basefile 读取使用format 对应的读取器,没什么额外逻辑。logfile 数据格式是hudi自己定义的,读取时要按固定格式提取记录信息。


HoodieLogFileReader: 用来读 mor 表的单个log file, 根据logfile 数据格式构建不同类型的HoodieLogBlock,在读取时会检查Block,并跳过损坏的Block。

public class HoodieLogFileReader implements HoodieLogFormat.Reader {

  public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024; // 16 MB
  private static final int BLOCK_SCAN_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; // 1 MB
  private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(HoodieLogFileReader.class);

  private final FSDataInputStream inputStream;
  private final HoodieLogFile logFile;
  private final byte[] magicBuffer = new byte[6];
  private final Schema readerSchema;
  private final String keyField;
  private boolean readBlockLazily;
  private long reverseLogFilePosition;
  private long lastReverseLogFilePosition;
  private boolean reverseReader;
  private boolean enableInlineReading;
  private boolean closed = false;
  private transient Thread shutdownThread = null;

  public HoodieLogFileReader(FileSystem fs, HoodieLogFile logFile, Schema readerSchema, int bufferSize,
                             boolean readBlockLazily) throws IOException {
    this(fs, logFile, readerSchema, bufferSize, readBlockLazily, false);

  public HoodieLogFileReader(FileSystem fs, HoodieLogFile logFile, Schema readerSchema, int bufferSize,
                             boolean readBlockLazily, boolean reverseReader) throws IOException {
    this(fs, logFile, readerSchema, bufferSize, readBlockLazily, reverseReader, false,

  public HoodieLogFileReader(FileSystem fs, HoodieLogFile logFile, Schema readerSchema, int bufferSize,
                             boolean readBlockLazily, boolean reverseReader, boolean enableInlineReading,
                             String keyField) throws IOException {
    // 最大读 默认16M
    FSDataInputStream fsDataInputStream = fs.open(logFile.getPath(), bufferSize);
    this.logFile = logFile;
    this.inputStream = getFSDataInputStream(fsDataInputStream, fs, bufferSize);
    this.readerSchema = readerSchema;
    this.readBlockLazily = readBlockLazily;
    this.reverseReader = reverseReader;
    this.enableInlineReading = enableInlineReading;
    this.keyField = keyField;
    if (this.reverseReader) {
      this.reverseLogFilePosition = this.lastReverseLogFilePosition = logFile.getFileSize();

  public HoodieLogFileReader(FileSystem fs, HoodieLogFile logFile, Schema readerSchema) throws IOException {
    this(fs, logFile, readerSchema, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, false, false);

   *    通过包装所需的输入流来获取要使用的正确 {@link FSDataInputStream}。
   * Fetch the right {@link FSDataInputStream} to be used by wrapping with required input streams.
   * @param fsDataInputStream original instance of {@link FSDataInputStream}.
   * @param fs instance of {@link FileSystem} in use.
   * @param bufferSize buffer size to be used.
   * @return the right {@link FSDataInputStream} as required.
  private FSDataInputStream getFSDataInputStream(FSDataInputStream fsDataInputStream, FileSystem fs, int bufferSize) {
    if (fsDataInputStream.getWrappedStream() instanceof FSInputStream) {
      return new TimedFSDataInputStream(logFile.getPath(), new FSDataInputStream(
          new BufferedFSInputStream((FSInputStream) fsDataInputStream.getWrappedStream(), bufferSize)));

    // fsDataInputStream.getWrappedStream() maybe a BufferedFSInputStream
    // need to wrap in another BufferedFSInputStream the make bufferSize work?
    return fsDataInputStream;

  public HoodieLogFile getLogFile() {
    return logFile;

   * Close the inputstream if not closed when the JVM exits.
  private void addShutDownHook() {
    shutdownThread = new Thread(() -> {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.warn("unable to close input stream for log file " + logFile, e);
        // fail silently for any sort of exception

  // TODO : convert content and block length to long by using ByteBuffer, raw byte [] allows
  // for max of Integer size
  private HoodieLogBlock readBlock() throws IOException {

    int blocksize;
    int type;
    HoodieLogBlockType blockType = null;
    Map<HeaderMetadataType, String> header = null;

    try {
      // 1 Read the total size of the block
      blocksize = (int) inputStream.readLong();
    } catch (EOFException | CorruptedLogFileException e) {
      // An exception reading any of the above indicates a corrupt block
      // Create a corrupt block by finding the next MAGIC marker or EOF
      return createCorruptBlock();

    // We may have had a crash which could have written this block partially
    // Skip blocksize in the stream and we should either find a sync marker (start of the next
    // block) or EOF. If we did not find either of it, then this block is a corrupted block.
    boolean isCorrupted = isBlockCorrupt(blocksize);
    if (isCorrupted) {
      return createCorruptBlock();

    // 2. Read the version for this log format
    HoodieLogFormat.LogFormatVersion nextBlockVersion = readVersion();

    // 3. Read the block type for a log block
    if (nextBlockVersion.getVersion() != HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION) {
      type = inputStream.readInt();

      ValidationUtils.checkArgument(type < HoodieLogBlockType.values().length, "Invalid block byte type found " + type);
      blockType = HoodieLogBlockType.values()[type];

    // 4. Read the header for a log block, if present
    if (nextBlockVersion.hasHeader()) {
      header = HoodieLogBlock.getLogMetadata(inputStream);

    int contentLength = blocksize;
    // 5. Read the content length for the content
    if (nextBlockVersion.getVersion() != HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION) {
      contentLength = (int) inputStream.readLong();

    // 6. Read the content or skip content based on IO vs Memory trade-off by client
    // TODO - have a max block size and reuse this buffer in the ByteBuffer
    // (hard to guess max block size for now)
    long contentPosition = inputStream.getPos();

    byte[] content = HoodieLogBlock.readOrSkipContent(inputStream, contentLength, readBlockLazily);

    // 7. Read footer if any
    Map<HeaderMetadataType, String> footer = null;
    if (nextBlockVersion.hasFooter()) {
      footer = HoodieLogBlock.getLogMetadata(inputStream);

    // 8. Read log block length, if present. This acts as a reverse pointer when traversing a
    // log file in reverse      这在反向遍历日志文件时充当反向指针
    long logBlockLength = 0;
    if (nextBlockVersion.hasLogBlockLength()) {
      logBlockLength = inputStream.readLong();

    // 9. Read the log block end position in the log file
    long blockEndPos = inputStream.getPos();

    switch (Objects.requireNonNull(blockType)) {
      // based on type read the block
      case AVRO_DATA_BLOCK:
        if (nextBlockVersion.getVersion() == HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION) {
          return HoodieAvroDataBlock.getBlock(content, readerSchema);
        } else {
          // 默认版本号1
          return new HoodieAvroDataBlock(logFile, inputStream, Option.ofNullable(content), readBlockLazily,
              contentPosition, contentLength, blockEndPos, readerSchema, header, footer, keyField);
      case HFILE_DATA_BLOCK:
        return new HoodieHFileDataBlock(logFile, inputStream, Option.ofNullable(content), readBlockLazily,
            contentPosition, contentLength, blockEndPos, readerSchema,
            header, footer, enableInlineReading, keyField);
      case DELETE_BLOCK:
        return HoodieDeleteBlock.getBlock(logFile, inputStream, Option.ofNullable(content), readBlockLazily,
            contentPosition, contentLength, blockEndPos, header, footer);
      case COMMAND_BLOCK:
        return HoodieCommandBlock.getBlock(logFile, inputStream, Option.ofNullable(content), readBlockLazily,
            contentPosition, contentLength, blockEndPos, header, footer);
        throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Unsupported Block " + blockType);

  private HoodieLogBlock createCorruptBlock() throws IOException {
    LOG.info("Log " + logFile + " has a corrupted block at " + inputStream.getPos());
    long currentPos = inputStream.getPos();
    //  通过读取magic 来获取下一个 block
    long nextBlockOffset = scanForNextAvailableBlockOffset();

    //  倒回到初始开始并读取损坏的字节直到 nextBlockOffset
    // Rewind to the initial start and read corrupted bytes till the nextBlockOffset

    LOG.info("Next available block in " + logFile + " starts at " + nextBlockOffset);
    //  错误的block 大小
    int corruptedBlockSize = (int) (nextBlockOffset - currentPos);
    long contentPosition = inputStream.getPos();

    // corrupted Bytes
    byte[] corruptedBytes = HoodieLogBlock.readOrSkipContent(inputStream, corruptedBlockSize, readBlockLazily);

    return HoodieCorruptBlock.getBlock(logFile, inputStream, Option.ofNullable(corruptedBytes), readBlockLazily,
        contentPosition, corruptedBlockSize, corruptedBlockSize, new HashMap<>(), new HashMap<>());

   *   对比前后两个 block size
   * @param blocksize
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private boolean isBlockCorrupt(int blocksize) throws IOException {
    long currentPos = inputStream.getPos();
    try {
      inputStream.seek(currentPos + blocksize);
    } catch (EOFException e) {
      LOG.info("Found corrupted block in file " + logFile + " with block size(" + blocksize + ") running past EOF");
      // this is corrupt
      // This seek is required because contract of seek() is different for naked DFSInputStream vs BufferedFSInputStream
      // release-3.1.0-RC1/DFSInputStream.java#L1455
      // release-3.1.0-RC1/BufferedFSInputStream.java#L73
      return true;

    // check if the blocksize mentioned in the footer is the same as the header;    比较起始填充的blocksize 是否一致
    // by seeking back the length of a long
    // the backward seek does not incur additional IO as {@link org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSInputStream#seek()}
    // only moves the index. actual IO happens on the next read operation
    //  移动到 footer 下的 block length 区域
    inputStream.seek(inputStream.getPos() - Long.BYTES);

    // Block size in the footer includes the magic header, which the header does not include.
    // So we have to shorten the footer block size by the size of magic hash
    long blockSizeFromFooter = inputStream.readLong() - magicBuffer.length;
    if (blocksize != blockSizeFromFooter) {
      LOG.info("Found corrupted block in file " + logFile + ". Header block size(" + blocksize
              + ") did not match the footer block size(" + blockSizeFromFooter + ")");
      return true;
    try {
      // all good - either we found the sync marker or EOF. Reset position and continue
      return false;
    } catch (CorruptedLogFileException e) {
      // This is a corrupted block
      LOG.info("Found corrupted block in file " + logFile + ". No magic hash found right after footer block size entry");
      return true;
    } finally {

   *  当前block error时, 读取下一个可用的block
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  private long scanForNextAvailableBlockOffset() throws IOException {
    // Make buffer large enough to scan through the file as quick as possible especially if it is on S3/GCS.
    byte[] dataBuf = new byte[BLOCK_SCAN_READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
    boolean eof = false;
    while (true) {
      long currentPos = inputStream.getPos();
      try {
        Arrays.fill(dataBuf, (byte) 0);
        // 读1M数据到缓存
        inputStream.readFully(dataBuf, 0, dataBuf.length);
      } catch (EOFException e) {
        //  数据流未填满
        eof = true;
      // 通过 MAGIC 在dataBuf 的偏移量
      long pos = Bytes.indexOf(dataBuf, HoodieLogFormat.MAGIC);
      if (pos >= 0) {
        // 返回 magic 位置
        return currentPos + pos;

      if (eof) {
        // 读取异常位置
        return inputStream.getPos();
      // 当前未匹配到MAGIC,继续向下查找。- HoodieLogFormat.MAGIC.length 防止最后的自己为 #HUDI
      inputStream.seek(currentPos + dataBuf.length - HoodieLogFormat.MAGIC.length);


  public void close() throws IOException {
    if (!closed) {
      if (null != shutdownThread) {
      closed = true;

   * hasNext is not idempotent. TODO - Fix this. It is okay for now - PR
  public boolean hasNext() {
    try {
      // 1. read Magic
      return readMagic();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new HoodieIOException("IOException when reading logfile " + logFile, e);

   * Read log format version from log file.
  private HoodieLogFormat.LogFormatVersion readVersion() throws IOException {
    return new HoodieLogFormatVersion(inputStream.readInt());

  private boolean readMagic() throws IOException {
    try {
      boolean hasMagic = hasNextMagic();
      if (!hasMagic) {
        throw new CorruptedLogFileException(
            logFile + " could not be read. Did not find the magic bytes at the start of the block");
      return hasMagic;
    } catch (EOFException e) {
      // We have reached the EOF
      return false;

  private boolean hasNextMagic() throws IOException {
    // 1. Read magic header from the start of the block
    inputStream.readFully(magicBuffer, 0, 6);
    return Arrays.equals(magicBuffer, HoodieLogFormat.MAGIC);

  public HoodieLogBlock next() {
    try {
      // hasNext() must be called before next()
      return readBlock();
    } catch (IOException io) {
      throw new HoodieIOException("IOException when reading logblock from log file " + logFile, io);

   * hasPrev is not idempotent.
  public boolean hasPrev() {
    try {
      if (!this.reverseReader) {
        throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Reverse log reader has not been enabled");
      reverseLogFilePosition = lastReverseLogFilePosition;
      reverseLogFilePosition -= Long.BYTES;
      lastReverseLogFilePosition = reverseLogFilePosition;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Either reached EOF while reading backwards or an exception
      return false;
    return true;

   * This is a reverse iterator Note: At any point, an instance of HoodieLogFileReader should either iterate reverse
   * (prev) or forward (next). Doing both in the same instance is not supported WARNING : Every call to prev() should be
   * preceded with hasPrev()
  public HoodieLogBlock prev() throws IOException {

    if (!this.reverseReader) {
      throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Reverse log reader has not been enabled");
    long blockSize = inputStream.readLong();
    long blockEndPos = inputStream.getPos();
    // blocksize should read everything about a block including the length as well
    try {
      inputStream.seek(reverseLogFilePosition - blockSize);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // this could be a corrupt block
      throw new CorruptedLogFileException("Found possible corrupted block, cannot read log file in reverse, "
          + "fallback to forward reading of logfile");
    boolean hasNext = hasNext();
    reverseLogFilePosition -= blockSize;
    lastReverseLogFilePosition = reverseLogFilePosition;
    return next();

   * Reverse pointer, does not read the block. Return the current position of the log file (in reverse) If the pointer
   * (inputstream) is moved in any way, it is the job of the client of this class to seek/reset it back to the file
   * position returned from the method to expect correct results
  public long moveToPrev() throws IOException {

    if (!this.reverseReader) {
      throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Reverse log reader has not been enabled");
    long blockSize = inputStream.readLong();
    // blocksize should be everything about a block including the length as well
    inputStream.seek(reverseLogFilePosition - blockSize);
    reverseLogFilePosition -= blockSize;
    lastReverseLogFilePosition = reverseLogFilePosition;
    return reverseLogFilePosition;

  public void remove() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove not supported for HoodieLogFileReader");


HoodieLogFormatReader: 为每个logfile 构建HoodieLogFileReader 来读取一组fileSlice logfile的Block。

public class HoodieLogFormatReader implements HoodieLogFormat.Reader {

  private final List<HoodieLogFile> logFiles;
  // Readers for previously scanned log-files that are still open
  private final List<HoodieLogFileReader> prevReadersInOpenState;
  private HoodieLogFileReader currentReader;
  private final FileSystem fs;
  private final Schema readerSchema;
  private final boolean readBlocksLazily;
  private final boolean reverseLogReader;
  private final String recordKeyField;
  private final boolean enableInlineReading;
  private int bufferSize;

  private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(HoodieLogFormatReader.class);

  HoodieLogFormatReader(FileSystem fs, List<HoodieLogFile> logFiles, Schema readerSchema, boolean readBlocksLazily,
                        boolean reverseLogReader, int bufferSize, boolean enableInlineReading,
                        String recordKeyField) throws IOException {
    this.logFiles = logFiles;
    this.fs = fs;
    this.readerSchema = readerSchema;
    this.readBlocksLazily = readBlocksLazily;
    this.reverseLogReader = reverseLogReader;
    this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
    this.prevReadersInOpenState = new ArrayList<>();
    this.recordKeyField = recordKeyField;
    this.enableInlineReading = enableInlineReading;

    if (logFiles.size() > 0) {
      HoodieLogFile nextLogFile = logFiles.remove(0);
      this.currentReader = new HoodieLogFileReader(fs, nextLogFile, readerSchema, bufferSize, readBlocksLazily, false,
          enableInlineReading, recordKeyField);

   * Note : In lazy mode, clients must ensure close() should be called only after processing all log-blocks as the
   * underlying inputstream will be closed. TODO: We can introduce invalidate() API at HoodieLogBlock and this object
   * can call invalidate on all returned log-blocks so that we check this scenario specifically in HoodieLogBlock
  public void close() throws IOException {

    for (HoodieLogFileReader reader : prevReadersInOpenState) {


    if (currentReader != null) {

  public boolean hasNext() {
    if (currentReader == null) {
      return false;
    } else if (currentReader.hasNext()) {
      return true;
    } else if (logFiles.size() > 0) {
      try {
        // 读取下一个 logfile
        HoodieLogFile nextLogFile = logFiles.remove(0);
        // First close previous reader only if readBlockLazily is true
        if (!readBlocksLazily) {
        } else {
          // 懒加载先放prevReadersInOpenState集合
        //  针对 logfile 构建 FileReader
        this.currentReader = new HoodieLogFileReader(fs, nextLogFile, readerSchema, bufferSize, readBlocksLazily, false,
            enableInlineReading, recordKeyField);
      } catch (IOException io) {
        throw new HoodieIOException("unable to initialize read with log file ", io);
      LOG.info("Moving to the next reader for logfile " + currentReader.getLogFile());
      return hasNext();
    return false;

  public HoodieLogBlock next() {
    //  通过 HoodieLogFileReader 来读取 LogBlock
    return currentReader.next();

  public HoodieLogFile getLogFile() {
    return currentReader.getLogFile();

  public void remove() {}



AbstractHoodieLogRecordReader: 对 block 内容的处理,包含rollback数据的删除、corrupt数据的跳过。合并后的数据存储在 ExternalSpillableMap 中,后续会和baseFile中的数据进行组合,具体可以参考 MergeOnReadInputFormat#reachedEnd 处理流程。

● 先将data block、delete block存储到队列里,暂时不从datablock中提取record。
● 如果遇到需要回滚的 COMMAND_BLOCK,从队里从后向前删除target instant的block。
● block 全部读取完毕,队列从前向后解析data block 存map,解析delete block 移除map中配置的数据。

public void scan(Option<List<String>> keys) {
    currentInstantLogBlocks = new ArrayDeque<>();
    progress = 0.0f;
    totalLogFiles = new AtomicLong(0);
    totalRollbacks = new AtomicLong(0);
    totalCorruptBlocks = new AtomicLong(0);
    totalLogBlocks = new AtomicLong(0);
    totalLogRecords = new AtomicLong(0);
    HoodieLogFormatReader logFormatReaderWrapper = null;
    HoodieTimeline commitsTimeline = this.hoodieTableMetaClient.getCommitsTimeline();
    HoodieTimeline completedInstantsTimeline = commitsTimeline.filterCompletedInstants();
    HoodieTimeline inflightInstantsTimeline = commitsTimeline.filterInflights();
    try {

      // Get the key field based on populate meta fields config
      // and the table type
      final String keyField = getKeyField();

      // Iterate over the paths
      logFormatReaderWrapper = new HoodieLogFormatReader(fs,
          logFilePaths.stream().map(logFile -> new HoodieLogFile(new Path(logFile))).collect(Collectors.toList()),

      Set<HoodieLogFile> scannedLogFiles = new HashSet<>();

      while (logFormatReaderWrapper.hasNext()) {

        HoodieLogFile logFile = logFormatReaderWrapper.getLogFile();
        LOG.info("Scanning log file " + logFile);
        //  读取的数据块
        // Use the HoodieLogFileReader to iterate through the blocks in the log file
        // 读取 block
        HoodieLogBlock logBlock = logFormatReaderWrapper.next();
        final String instantTime = logBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME);
        if (logBlock.getBlockType() != CORRUPT_BLOCK
            && !HoodieTimeline.compareTimestamps(logBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME), HoodieTimeline.LESSER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, this.latestInstantTime
        )) {
          //  大于 latestInstantTime 的数据块直接跳过
          // hit a block with instant time greater than should be processed, stop processing further

        if (logBlock.getBlockType() != CORRUPT_BLOCK && logBlock.getBlockType() != COMMAND_BLOCK) {
          // data block 或者 delete block
          if (!completedInstantsTimeline.containsOrBeforeTimelineStarts(instantTime)
              || inflightInstantsTimeline.containsInstant(instantTime)) {
            // hit an uncommitted block possibly from a failed write, move to the next one and skip processing this one
            // 可能由于写入失败而命中未提交的块,移动到下一个并跳过处理这个
          if (instantRange.isPresent() && !instantRange.get().isInRange(instantTime)) {
            // filter the log block by instant range
            // 按 instant 范围过滤日志块

        switch (logBlock.getBlockType()) {
          case HFILE_DATA_BLOCK:
          case AVRO_DATA_BLOCK:
            LOG.info("Reading a data block from file " + logFile.getPath() + " at instant "
                + logBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME));
            processQueuedBlocks(keys, scannedLogFiles, logBlock);

            // store the current block
          case DELETE_BLOCK:
            LOG.info("Reading a delete block from file " + logFile.getPath());
            processQueuedBlocks(keys, scannedLogFiles, logBlock);

            // store deletes so can be rolled back
          case COMMAND_BLOCK:
            //  避免在重试写入时写入重复数据
            // Consider the following scenario 场景
            // (Time 0, C1, Task T1) -> Running
            // (Time 1, C1, Task T1) -> Failed (Wrote either a corrupt block or a correct
            // DataBlock (B1) with commitTime C1
            // (Time 2, C1, Task T1.2) -> Running (Task T1 was retried and the attempt number is 2)
            // (Time 3, C1, Task T1.2) -> Finished (Wrote a correct DataBlock B2)
            // Now a logFile L1 can have 2 correct Datablocks (B1 and B2) which are the same.
            // Say, commit C1 eventually failed and a rollback is triggered.
            // Rollback will write only 1 rollback block (R1) since it assumes one block is
            // written per ingestion batch for a file but in reality we need to rollback (B1 & B2)
            // The following code ensures the same rollback block (R1) is used to rollback
            // both B1 & B2
            LOG.info("Reading a command block from file " + logFile.getPath());
            // This is a command block - take appropriate action based on the command
            HoodieCommandBlock commandBlock = (HoodieCommandBlock) logBlock;
            //  删除数据开始的 instant_time
            String targetInstantForCommandBlock =
            switch (commandBlock.getType()) { // there can be different types of command blocks
              case ROLLBACK_PREVIOUS_BLOCK:
                // Rollback the last read log block
                // Get commit time from last record block, compare with targetCommitTime,
                // rollback only if equal, this is required in scenarios of invalid/extra
                // rollback blocks written due to failures during the rollback operation itself
                // and ensures the same rollback block (R1) is used to rollback both B1 & B2 with
                // same instant_time
                int numBlocksRolledBack = 0;
                while (!currentInstantLogBlocks.isEmpty()) { //  currentInstantLogBlocks 如果为空则没有数据可以移除
                  HoodieLogBlock lastBlock = currentInstantLogBlocks.peek();
                  // handle corrupt blocks separately since they may not have metadata
                  if (lastBlock.getBlockType() == CORRUPT_BLOCK) {
                    LOG.info("Rolling back the last corrupted log block read in " + logFile.getPath());
                    //  CORRUPT_BLOCK 块不会形成有效数据,直接移除
                  } else if (targetInstantForCommandBlock.contentEquals(lastBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME))) {
                    // rollback last data block or delete block
                    LOG.info("Rolling back the last log block read in " + logFile.getPath());
                    // 移除 target Instant 的 LogBlocks
                  } else if (!targetInstantForCommandBlock
                      .contentEquals(lastBlock.getLogBlockHeader().get(INSTANT_TIME))) {
                    // invalid or extra rollback block
                    // 向前找到不需要移除的 block
                    LOG.warn("TargetInstantTime " + targetInstantForCommandBlock
                        + " invalid or extra rollback command block in " + logFile.getPath());
                  } else {
                    // this should not happen ideally
                    LOG.warn("Unable to apply rollback command block in " + logFile.getPath());
                LOG.info("Number of applied rollback blocks " + numBlocksRolledBack);
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Command type not yet supported.");
          case CORRUPT_BLOCK:
            LOG.info("Found a corrupt block in " + logFile.getPath());
            // If there is a corrupt block - we will assume that this was the next data block
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Block type not supported yet");
      // ------------------------------读取结束------------------------------------
      //  抽取 block 中的内容
      // merge the last read block when all the blocks are done reading
      if (!currentInstantLogBlocks.isEmpty()) {
        LOG.info("Merging the final data blocks");
        // 所有 log block 处理完成后 合并数据
        processQueuedBlocksForInstant(currentInstantLogBlocks, scannedLogFiles.size(), keys);
      // Done
      progress = 1.0f;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Got IOException when reading log file", e);
      throw new HoodieIOException("IOException when reading log file ", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Got exception when reading log file", e);
      throw new HoodieException("Exception when reading log file ", e);
    } finally {
      try {
        if (null != logFormatReaderWrapper) {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // Eat exception as we do not want to mask the original exception that can happen
        LOG.error("Unable to close log format reader", ioe);

   *  切换  instant block 时处理数据
   * @param keys
   * @param scannedLogFiles
   * @param logBlock
   * @throws Exception
  private void processQueuedBlocks(Option<List<String>> keys, Set<HoodieLogFile> scannedLogFiles, HoodieLogBlock logBlock) throws Exception {
    if (isNewInstantBlock(logBlock) && !readBlocksLazily) {
      //  新一批次的数据流入
      // If this is a delete data block belonging to a different commit/instant,
      // then merge the last blocks and records into the main result
      processQueuedBlocksForInstant(currentInstantLogBlocks, scannedLogFiles.size(), keys);


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      本文标题:hudi mor表数据读取
