
作者: CharliC | 来源:发表于2017-11-04 14:53 被阅读0次

13 Reasons Why

Everybody hurts somebody somehow.

And of course I did, something really bad to the boy, who likes me a lot (I can tell anyway). I can’t figure out why, even now. But to be honest, it did make me feel guilty for how mean it is, how naive we are, how stupid it could be. It’s like, a classic me, escaping from all the things I do not like, and also the truth. I owe you an apology, my friend, for what I have done. I should have told you. I enjoyed being a friend with you, and maybe I was happy when I learned you like me. But guess what, I freak out. I was such a loser when facing a relationship stuff. I do not know how to respond, your feelings, as well as mine. So I just stayed away from you, or the feelings. It is like the stupid only-kid-would-do things. You want to keep his attention, and also,  you want him to know you do not care, or even hate him. I am so sorry. So sorry. Hope I could tell you in person, in someday.


  • 7. 怎样用英语表达谦意?

    1. Sorry , I'm sorry , I'm so sorry! 对不起! 我对不起!...

  • Sorry.sorry.

    对不起,妈妈, 没能成为让你安心的栖息之所 妈妈,我想对你说 妈妈对不起,你是我的骄傲 但是,我确没能成为你的骄傲...

  • sorry SJ

    sorry sorry sorry sorry 内噶 内噶 内噶 慢jou 内噶 内噶 内噶 八求 八求 八求 吧...

  • 关于sorry的表达口语

    1.I'm sorry to bother you. 2.sorry for the delay. 3.sorry...

  • 互动4

    【Sorry】 果然是老子的小可爱:非常多地说sorry 斑斑怎么辣么可爱:sorry 花生酱奶昔:sorry t...

  • 2019-01-06

    I’ m so sorry... Sorry … Sorry... 我应该早点去接你们回来的 对不起 对不起 ……

  • 轻松说英语217

    Is Bob home? Sorry! You’ve got the wrong number. =Sorry, ...

  • I am sorry for what I did in the

    Sorry to myself, Sorry to everybody who cares about me. B...

  • sorry

    前两天我收到了一封信,信里面告诉我这些年你的经历,这些年你对我的关注 以及如今的你心里面装了一个我。 我:呵,真是...

  • sorry



