Swimming Is a Great All-body Wor

作者: 日精进的Ivy | 来源:发表于2018-09-03 11:16 被阅读78次

    Swimming Is a Great All-body Workout


    rom VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle Report.来自美国之音英语学习频道,健康与生活方式报告。

    When temperatures rise, many people swim to beat the heat. But swimming does a lot more than give relief from hot weather. It is a great workout for the whole body.当气温升高时,许多人游泳以抵御高温。但游泳不仅仅是为了缓解炎热的天气。这是一个非常棒的锻炼方式,全身都可以得到锻炼。

    Health experts at the University of California, Berkeley write on their website Berkeley Wellness that swimming is "an ideal way to stay in shape."加州大学伯克利分校的健康专家在他们的网站Berkeley Wellness上写道,游泳是“保持体形的理想方式”。

    Swimming is a high-cardio but low-impact exercise.游泳是一种高度有氧运动但影响较小的运动。

    Cardiovascular exercise is often simply called "cardio." Cardio involves the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. The Berkeley experts say swimming is great for your cardiovascular system. It increases your heart rate and exercises your lungs without putting stress on the rest of your body.心血管锻炼通常简称为“有氧运动”。心脏涉及心脏,肺和循环系统。伯克利专家说,游泳对你的心血管系统很有帮助。它可以提高你的心率,锻炼你的肺部,而不会给身体的其他部分带来压力。

    Some high-cardio exercises, such as running, can improve your health but can also be hard on your body. Swimming, on the other hand, is so easy on the body that people often use it to heal from injuries.一些高强度的有氧运动,如跑步,可以改善你的健康,但很难。另一方面,游泳在身体上非常容易,人们经常用它来治愈受伤。

    An underwater camera shows Katie Ledecky of the U.S. competing at the 2017 FINA World Championships in Budapest, July 2017.2017年7月在布达佩斯举行的2017年国际泳联世界锦标赛上,一架水下相机记录了美国选手Katie Ledecky。

    A former competitive swimmer, Paul Waas, now coaches a team of swimmers. He says that swimming is easier on the body than other sports because it is low-impact. For this reason, it is a common exercise for people who are in rehabilitation -- or "rehab," for short.一位前竞技游泳运动员保罗·瓦斯(Paul Waas)现在指导一支游泳队。他说游泳比其他运动更容易,因为它的影响很小。因此,对于康复中的人来说,这是一种常见的练习 - 或简称“康复”。

    "Well, swimming is a lifelong sport. It's a non-impact sport. And you know, it's horizontal rather than vertical. So, it's great for rehab from running injuries and things like that."“嗯,游泳是一项终生的运动。这是一项非冲击性的运动。而且你知道,它是水平的而不是垂直的。所以,这对于伤病和类似事情的康复来说非常棒。”

    A mother with two daughters on Coach Waas's swim team agrees. Paloma says that for her girls swimming has been easier on the body than some other sports.  Paloma,她的两个女儿都在Coach Waas游泳队。她说,对于她的孩子来说,游泳比其他运动更容易。

    "So far, I think it's been good for their bodies. It's a lot of exercise, as you know. But it spares their knees, their joints, etc. But it's rare to get injured in swimming."“到目前为止,我认为这对他们的身体有好处。正如你所知,这是很多运动。但是它可以减少他们的膝盖,关节等。但是在游泳中受伤是很少见的。”

    The coach adds that swimming is a great exercise for kids who grow a lot in a short amount of time. Again, here is Coach Waas. 教练补充说,对于在短时间内成长很多的孩子来说,游泳是一项很好的锻炼。再次,这是Coach Waas。

    "One of the things swimming is really good for is kids who go through really intense growth spurts. Their bones might be hurting and they're aching all the time. And then they get in the pool and, you know, they can float and stretch out a little bit and it relieves that as well."“游泳真正有益的事情之一就是孩子们经历了非常激烈的成长过程。他们的骨头可能会受到伤害而且他们总是在痛苦。然后他们进入游泳池,你知道,他们可以漂浮伸出一点点也可以缓解它。“

    Swimming is also good for people with disabilities, or with chronic conditions such as arthritis and back pain. People who are overweight can find relief swimming. Their weightlessness in the water can help them to avoid injury as they exercise.游泳对于残疾人或患有关节炎和背痛等慢性疾病也有好处。超重的人可以找到缓解游泳的方法。他们在水中的失重可以帮助他们在运动时避免受伤。

    An all-body workout全身锻炼

    As we said earlier, swimming is an all-body workout.正如我们之前所说,游泳是一种全身锻炼。

    It works small muscle groups that often get ignored in other workouts. As you move in the water, many small muscle groups are working to help keep you balanced and upright.它适用于在其他训练中经常被忽略的小肌群。当你在水中移动时,许多小肌肉群正在努力帮助你保持平衡和正直。

    There are some injuries有一些伤病

    However, swimming is not without any risk of injury. Many types of swimming use repetitive arm movements. Over time, the repeated movement can cause shoulder and neck injuries. This is especially true if the stroke is not done correctly.但是,游泳并非没有受伤的风险。许多类型的游泳使用重复的手臂运动。随着时间的推移,反复运动会导致肩部和颈部受伤。如果未正确完成笔划,则尤其如此。

    To reduce the chances of getting hurt, swimmers can use different kinds of movements in the water. For example, they can mix standard swimming strokes with running in water, treading water and other water exercises.为了减少受伤的机会,游泳者可以在水中使用不同类型的动作。例如,他们可以将标准游泳运动与水中运动,踩水和其他水上运动混合。

    The researchers at University of California Berkeley warn that another downside to swimming and other water workouts is that they are not weight-bearing exercises. So, they do not help to strengthen bones.加州大学伯克利分校的研究人员警告说,游泳和其他水上训练的另一个缺点是它们不是负重练习。所以,他们无助于强化骨骼。

    To make sure your bones are getting the exercises they need, the researchers suggest combining swimming with a weight-bearing exercise. Common weight-bearing exercises are dancing, walking, running or jumping rope.为了确保你的骨骼得到他们需要的锻炼,研究人员建议将游泳与负重锻炼结合起来。常见的负重练习是跳舞,走路,跑步或跳绳。

    Paloma, the mother we heard from earlier, adds that she was concerned about this issue. Her oldest daughter, Pryia, has mostly been a swimmer. So, playing, what she calls a "terrestrial sport," has helped give her daughter a good balance.我们之前听到的母亲Paloma补充说,她对这个问题感到担忧。她的大女儿Pryia大多是游泳运动员。因此,玩她所谓的“地球运动”,帮助女儿获得了良好的平衡。


    "This year our oldest daughter has done more, what I call ‘terrestrial sports' – contact with the earth. And I think it's been good for her to have the mix because she has only been a swimmer, primarily. And so you can be in swimmer shape but your muscles are not being challenged. So, it helps to really balance out. If you're a basketball player all year, that's not great for your body, but if you swim half the week and do other sports, I think that's a good balance." “今年我们的大女儿做得更多了,我称之为'陆地运动' - 与地球接触。我认为,因为她只是一名游泳运动员,因此对她来说是好事。所以你可以成为在游泳运动员的形状,但你的肌肉没有受到挑战。所以,它有助于真正平衡。如果你是一整年的篮球运动员,这对你的身体不好,但如果你游泳半个星期,做其他运动,我认为这是一个很好的平衡点。“

    But for many swimmers these downsides seem manageable when compared to the health benefits. Coach Waas agrees.但对于许多游泳运动员来说,与健康益处相比,这些缺点似乎是可控的。教练瓦斯同意。

    "You know, swimming can have some ... some injuries from high repetition. But, in general, it's one of the safest and healthiest sports out there."“你知道,游泳可以有一些......一些伤害来自高重复。但总的来说,它是那里最安全,最健康的运动之一。”

    Besides the great workout you can get from swimming, Paloma brings up another important way it can help. It can help to keep you alive.除了可以从游泳中获得的锻炼,Paloma还提供了另一种可以提供帮助的重要方式。它可以帮助你保持活力。

    "My husband and I believe that swimming is a life skill. If it's a life and death situation, you can swim your way out of it. And as such, we really wanted them to be strong swimmers."“我丈夫和我相信游泳是一种生活技能。如果这是一种生死攸关的情况,你可以游走它。因此,我们真的希望他们成为强壮的游泳运动员。”

    Her daughter Pryia knows that swimming is good for her body. But perhaps the reason she likes to swims is more basic. It's just fun.她的女儿Pryia知道游泳对她的身体有好处。但也许她喜欢游泳的原因更为基础。这很有趣。

    "The water, of course, it keeps you cool while you're swimming. Also, you get a whole different way to use your muscles. And, overall, it's just fun to do because you get to stay in the water a lot."“水,当然,它让你在游泳时保持凉爽。而且,你可以采用完全不同的方式来锻炼肌肉。总而言之,这样做很有趣,因为你可以在水中停留很多。 “

    And that's the Health & Lifestyle report. I'm Anna Matteo.

    Is swimming part of your workout routine? Let us know in the Comments Section.

    Anna Matteo reported this story for VOA Learning English. Kelly Jean Kelly was the editor.


    Words in This Story

    low-impact – adj. designed to provide exercise without being over-strenuous 低影响 - adj。旨在提供锻炼而不会过度繁重

    vertical – adj. positioned up and down rather than from side to side : going straight up垂直的,上下定位而不是从一侧到另一侧:直线向上

    horizontal – adj. positioned from side to side rather than up and down : parallel to the ground水平的 - adj。从一侧到另一侧而不是上下定位:平行于地面

    spare – v. to prevent (someone or something) from experiencing or being affected by something unpleasant, harmful, etc.备用 - 防止(某人或某物)经历或受到令人不快,有害等事物的影响

    ache – v. to produce a dull continuous pain : to hurt in a way that is constant but not severe疼痛 - 产生沉闷的连续疼痛:以不变但不严重的方式伤害

    relieve – v. to reduce or remove (something, such as pain or an unpleasant feeling)减轻 - 减少或消除(某些事情,如疼痛或不愉快的感觉)

    stroke – n. one of a series of repeated movements of your arms in swimming or rowing that you make to move yourself or the boat through the water 中风 - 游泳或划船时手臂的一系列重复动作中的一个,用于移动自己或船只穿过水面

    terrestrial – adj. relating to or occurring on the earth陆地 - adj.与地球有关或在地球上发生的

    treading water – expression keeping the body nearly upright in the water and the head above water by a treading motion of the feet usually aided by the hands 踩水 - 通过脚的踩踏运动保持身体几乎直立在水中,头部高于水面,通常由手辅助



        本文标题:Swimming Is a Great All-body Wor
