Animal farm(87)

Animal farm(87)

作者: 云手a | 来源:发表于2021-01-25 23:37 被阅读0次

    In the autumn,by tremendous,exhausting effort—for the harvest had to be gathered at almost the same time—the windmill was finished. The machinery has still to be installed,and Whymper was negotiating the purchase of it,but the structure was completed.  In the teeth of every difficulty,in spite of the inexperience,of primitive implements,of bad luck and of Snowball’s treachery,the work had been finished punctually to the very day!Tired out but proud,the animals walked round and round their masterpiece,which appeared even more beautiful in their eyes than when it had been built the first time.  Moreover,the walls were twice as thick as before.  Nothing short of explosives would lay them low this time!And when they thought of how they had laboured,what discouragements they had overcome,and the enormous difference that would be made in their lives when the sails were turning and the dynamos running—when they thought of all this,there tiredness forsook them and they gambolled round and round the windmill,uttering cries of triumph.  Napoleon himself,attended by his dogs and his cockerel,came diwn to inspect the completed work;he personally congratulated the animals on their achievement,and announced that the mill would be named Napoleon Mill.



          本文标题:Animal farm(87)
