Day 8. Vocabulary
1. turbine
n. rotary engine in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted into mechanical energy by causing a bladed rotor to rotate
n. a. an outlying farm building for storing grain of animal feed and housing farm animals
b. a unit of nuclear cross section; the effective circular area that one particle presents to another as a target for an encounter
n. a barn for cows
synonyms: byre, cow barn, cowbarn, cowhouse
adj. covered with ( or as if with ) a blanket
synonyms: covered panel
n. electrical device consisting of a large array of connected solar cells
n. any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material
v. spread manure, as for fertilization
synonyms: muck
7. biogas
n. a gas that is produced by the action of bacteria on organic waste matter: used as a fuel
8. handsomely
adv. a. in an attractively handsome manner
b. in a generously handsome manner
9. greenness
n. a. green color of pigment; resembling the color of growing grass
synonyms: green, viridity
b. the lush appearance of flourishing vegetation
synonyms: verdance, verdure
c. the state of not being ripe
synonyms: ripeness
10. pocket
n. a. a small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles
b. saclike structure in any of various animals
synonyms: pouch
c. a supply of money
v. a. put in one's pocket
b. take unlawfully
synonyms: bag
11. grid
n. a. a pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines
b. a cooking utensil of parrellel metal bars; used to grill fish or meat
synonyms: gridiron
c. a perforated or corrugated metal plate used in a storage battery as a conductor and support for the active material
synonyms: control grid
d. a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region
synonyms: power grid, power system
12. anathema
n. a. a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
b. a detested person
13. fossil fuel
n. fuel consisting of the remains of organisms preserved in rocks in the earth's crust with high carbon and hydrogen content
14. mourn
v. a. feel sadness
b. observe the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one
15. incumbent
adj. a. necessary as a duty or responsibility; morally bindind
b. currently holding an office
synonyms: current
c. lying or leaning on something else
n. the official who holds an office
synonyms: officeholder
16. dear
n. a. an insufficient quantity or number
synonyms: paucity
b. an acute insufficiency
synonyms: famine, shortage
17. the International Energy Agency (IEA)
n. the United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy
18. pricey
adj. having a high price
19. perennial
adj. a. lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal
synonyms: long
b. recurring again and again
synonyms: recurrent, repeated, continual
c. lasting three seasons or more
antonyms: annual, one-year
n. ( botany) a plant lasting for three seasons or more
20. glut
v. a. supply with an excess of
synonyms: flood, oversupply
b. overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
n. the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall