8、Wang Huning

8、Wang Huning

作者: b34d3a912f9d | 来源:发表于2017-11-08 19:15 被阅读9次

2017-11-8 18:15-18:43
-19:13 read three times

1、For in the new seven-man line-up at the top of China’s leadership that was unveiled last week is a striking character: a 62-year-old, Wang Huning.

2、They had led to a swift rise in living standards as peasants left collectives and profitably farmed their own plots, jumped into business or left to work in the cities.
peasants 农民
farmed their own plots 耕种自己的土地

3、In the early 1990s Mr Wang also delved more deeply than most into the political consequences of corruption.
delved more deeply than most into 比别人钻研得更深

4、Graft at the highest levels, he wrote, was far more corrosive than that lower down, since it undermined trust in government.
undermined trust in 损害了对于...的信任

industry hollowing-out: 产业空心化
far-flung ['fɑ:'flʌŋ] adj. 遥远的;广泛的;广布的
pro-market 亲市场(卸掉市场发展的种种束缚和干预)
seems blind to 似乎视而不见
don't you say you were never warned 不要说你从来没有被警告过/你不是说你从来没有被警告过吗
has even great control of a vast and essential part of
liberalising reforms 改革开放
Belt and Road Initiative
reached the pinnacle of power
take centre stage in the world

apparatchiks n. 〈俄〉①(共产党)党组织成员(或官员)②〈贬〉(对上级或组织盲目服从的)统治机器工作人员;官僚
prophesies 语言,预告



      本文标题:8、Wang Huning
