

作者: Emily_3b7b | 来源:发表于2017-10-19 07:39 被阅读0次

    1. data -> ML -> skill

    skill: improve some performance measure

    machine learning: improve some performance measure with experience computed from data

    decide whether to use ML:

    (1)exists some "underlying pattern" to be learned

    (2)no programmable definition

    (3)somehow there is data about the pattern

    2. The learning model:

    training examples,   hypothesis set --->  learning algorithm ---> final hypothesis g

    3. Difference:

    Machine Learning: use data to compute hypothesis g that approximates target f

    Data Mining: use huge data to find property that is intersting

    Artificial Intelligence: compute something that shows intelligent behavior

    Statistics: use data to make inference about an unknown process


    5. Perceptron Learning Algorithm (PLA)

    -- A fault confessed is half redressed.

    next can follow naive cycle(1..N)

    6. Linear Separability: if PLA can halt(stop)

    7. Pocket Algorithm: modify PLA algorithm by keeping best weights in pocket.

    maker fewer mistakes until enough iterations

    pocket is slower than PLA, because it needs to compare with old w and store better weight.

    8. Multiclass classification problem: which type

    regression: stock price, temperature

    binary classification: y={-1, +1}

    structured learning:

    9. Supervised learning: every Xn comes with corresponding Yn

    Unsupervised learning: multiclass classification <=> 'clustering',  learning without Yn

    eg: articles => topics

    Semi-supervised learning: coin recognition with some Yn

    Reinforcement learning: learn with "partial/implicit information" (often sequentially)

    10. Different Input space: concrete, raw, abstract features

    11. Hoeffding's Inequality



