Question from lintcode
Given an unsorted array, find the kth smallest element.
Use any sort algorithm you are familiar with. I implemented a heap with an array. This array implementation is brought from Mark Allen Weiss 's Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C in my university class.
public class Solution {
* @param k: An integer
* @param nums: An integer array
* @return: kth smallest element
public int kthSmallest(int k, int[] nums) {
assert nums.length > 0;
Heap heap = new Heap(nums.length);
for(int n: nums) {
assert heap.size() > 0 && k <= heap.size();
int out = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
out = heap.pop();
return out;
class Heap {
private int[] hp;
private int lastPos = 0;
private int childPosLeft(int n) {
return n * 2;
private int childPosRight(int n) {
return childPosLeft(n) + 1;
private int parentPos(int n ) {
return n/2;
private int root() {
return 1;
private boolean hasChild(int pos) {
return childPosLeft(pos) <= lastPos;
private int smallerChildPos(int pos) {
if (childPosLeft(pos) == lastPos)
return childPosLeft(pos);
if (hp[childPosLeft(pos)] > hp[childPosRight(pos)])
return childPosRight(pos);
return childPosLeft(pos);
public int size() {
return lastPos;
public Heap(int size) {
hp = new int[size + 1];
hp[0] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public void add(int num) {
// heap的精髓:只要你比我爸爸有錢(排序高, 這裏是越小越高),我叫我爸下來給你當兒子
int i;
for(i = lastPos; hp[parentPos(i)] > num; i = parentPos(i))
hp[i] = hp[parentPos(i)];
hp[i] = num;
public int pop() {
int output = hp[root()];
int i = root();
int lastElement = hp[lastPos--];
// 孫子上去頂層,往下走,見到爸爸們就讓他們向上爬,爬上去了空出來的位子你坐
hp[i] = lastElement;
while(hasChild(i)) {
int child = smallerChildPos(i);
if (hp[i] > hp[child]) {
hp[i] = hp[child];
hp[child] = lastElement;
i = child;
} else {
return output;