
作者: 宇宙公民安夫人 | 来源:发表于2021-02-05 02:08 被阅读0次

    Gratitude brings prosperity to life./感恩帶來富裕的生活

    家裡好久沒有訪客了,我們的管家Gerrie從超市買回來一隻超大的火雞, 並告訴我們她將要為我們料理這隻火雞,給我們加菜。



    我說: 非常感謝我們的管家Gerrie 幫忙照顧我們家裡大大小小的每一個人,她不只用心幫忙準備早餐、打掃家裡,晚上還幫我們備好了美味可口的火雞大餐。

    大兒子Alexander 的感言是: 他謝謝Daddy今天帶他出城去shopping,讓他得以享受片刻的外出自由。

    小兒子Arthur 則對今天加入我們一起用餐的訪客,感到激動不已,因為自疫情擴散以來,為了保持社交距離,我們幾乎不再接待任何訪客了。

    我的先生Jeff則說: 感謝耶和華的庇祐,讓我們衣食無缺, 並且仍享有成功的事業與健康的身體。

    我們的好友 Jim 說: 他最感謝耶和華組織所提供的屬靈滋養安排,除了傳道、聚會,也因寫傳道信給親友們而收獲了親情。

    最後Gerrie 分享了: 她很感激我們所提供的工作安排,讓她的家人及孫子女得到很好的安頓與照顧。


    There have been no visitors at home for a long time. Our housekeeper, Gerrie , bought an oversized turkey from the supermarket and told us that she was going to cook this turkey for us and add vegetables to us.

    With extremely grateful feelings, my husband and I invited the housekeeper and her husband Jim to come to our house in the evening to enjoy this turkey meal with us.

    During the meal, I took the lead to share my feelings of gratitude for what happened today, and then everyone in the family followed me and issued a personal declaration of gratitude. The following is our gratitude sharing today:

    I said: Thank you very much to our housekeeper Gerrie for helping to take care of everyone in our family. She not only helps prepare breakfast and clean the house, but also prepares us a delicious turkey meal in the evening.

    Our eldest son Alexander’s testimony was: He thanked Daddy for taking him out of town for shopping today, so that he could enjoy a moment of freedom to go out.

    The youngest son, Arthur, was very excited about the visitors who joined us for a meal today, because since the spread of the pandemic , in order to maintain social distance, we have hardly received any visitors anymore.

    My husband Jeff said: Thank you Jehovah for his blessing, so that we could have enough food and clothing, and still enjoy a successful career and healthy body.

    Our good friend Jim said: He is most grateful for the spiritual nourishment arrangements provided by the Jehovah organization. In addition to preaching and gatherings, he also gained affection from writing preaching letters to relatives and friends.

    Finally, Gerrie shared: She is very grateful for the work arrangements we have provided, so that her family and grandchildren can be well settled and recruited.

    It was a night full of love and gratitude.. Although the emergence of the Pandemic made us feel unreal to live, at least we learned to be grateful, and learned not to complain in expressing gratitude, but to strive forward with hope  Look.



