① 有散文一样的优美,又有诗歌一样的韵律美,读起来就像水银流泻一般流畅,内容有色彩,有声音,画面也很美。例如:
The Nightingale and the Rose
And the marvellous rose became crimson, like the rose of the eastern sky. Crimson was the girdle of petals, and crimson as a ruby was the heart.
But the Nightingale's voice grew fainter, and her little wings began to beat, and a film came over her eyes. Fainter and fainter grew her song, and she felt something choking her in her throat.
Then she gave one last burst of music. The white Moon heard it, and she forgot the dawn, and lingered on in the sky. The red rose heard it, and it trembled all over with ecstasy, and opened its petals to the cold morning air. Echo bore it to her purple cavern in the hills, and woke the sleeping shepherds from their dreams. It floated through the reeds of the river, and they carried its message to the sea.
② 故事架构的很不错,结尾总是出乎人的意料,最后升华了的主题更增添了故事的深意。例如:
The Happy Prince
"Bring me the two most precious things in the city,"said God to one of His Angels; and the Angel brought Him the leaden heart and the dead bird.
"You have rightly chosen,"said God,"for in my garden of Paradise this little bird shall sing for evermore, and in my city of gold the Happy Prince shall praise me."
The Selfish Giant
Downstairs ran the Giant in great joy, and out into the garden. He hastened across the grass, and came near to the child. And when he came quite close his face grew red with anger, and he said,"Who hath dared to wound thee? For on the palms of the child's hands were the prints of two nails, and the prints of two nails were on the little feet.
"Who hath dared to wound thee?"cried the Giant; tell me, that I may take my big sword and slay him."
"Nay!"answered the child;"but these are the wounds of Love."
"Who art thou?"said the Giant, and a strange awe fell on him, and he knelt before the little child.
And the child smiled on the Giant, and said to him,"You let me play once in your garden, to-day you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise."
And when the children ran in that afternoon, they found the Giant lying dead under the tree, all covered with white blossoms.
这本书和The Little Prince那本书类似,都是写给成年人的童话书,都有讽刺意味,更适合多次翻阅。