Evolution: Greater than the sum of its parts
It is rare for a new animal species to emergein front ofscientists’ eyes. But this seems to be happening in eastern North America.
LIKE some people who mightrathernot admit it, wolves faced with a scarcity of potential sexual partners] are notbeneathlowering their standards. It was desperation of this sort, biologists reckon, that led dwindling wolf populations [in southern Ontario] to begin, a century or two ago,breeding widely with dogs andcoyotes.The clearance of forests for farming,together withthe deliberatepersecutionwhich wolves often sufferat the hand ofman, had made life tough for the species.That same forest clearance, though,bothpermitted coyotesto spread fromtheirprairiehomeland into areashithertoexclusivelylupine, andbroughtthe dogs that accompanied the farmersinto the mix.
Interbreedingbetween animal species usually leads to offspring lessvigorousthan either parent—if they survive at all. But the combination of wolf, coyote and dog DNA that resulted from thisreproductive necessitygenerated an exception. The consequence has been booming numbers of an extraordinarily fit new animal (see picture) spreading through the eastern part of North America.
Some call this creature the eastern coyote. Others, though, havedubbedit the “coy wolf”. Whatever name it goes by, Roland Kays of North Carolina State University, in Raleigh, reckons it now numbers in the millions. The mixing of genes that has created the coywolf has been more rapid,pervasiveandtransformationalthan many once thought. Javier Monzón, who worked until recentlyat Stony Brook University in New York state (he is now at Pepperdine University, in California) studied the genetic make-up of 437 of the animals, in ten north-eastern states plus Ontario. Heworked outthat, though coyote DNA dominates, a tenth of the average coywolf’s genetic material is dog and a quarter is wolf. The DNA from both wolves and dogs (the latter mostly large breeds, like Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherds), brings big advantages, says Dr Kays. At 25kg or more, many coywolves have twice the heft of purebred coyotes. With larger jaws, more muscle and faster legs, individual coywolves can take down small deer.A pack ofthem can even kill amoose.
一些学者称之为东部土狼,而另一些学者将其命名为“coywolf”。无论其命名如何,来自南加州大学的Roland Kays认为其数量数以万计。基因的杂交使得Coywolf更为比人们想象中更为快速、可变和数量繁多。曾经在纽约石溪大学工作的Javier Monzon(现任职于加州佩珀代因大学)在11个东北部州以及加大略对437只此杂交物种进行研究。其研究显示,虽土狼DNA占据主导地位,大约1/10的基因源自于狗,1/4的基因源自于狼。Kays博士称来自狼和狗(主要集中于大型犬,如德国短毛猎犬和德国牧羊犬)的基因为新物种带来了巨大优势。重达25kg或更多,coywolves重于纯种土狼二倍多。拥有更大下颚、更多肌肉和更快肢干,个体coywolves能够战胜小鹿,一群则能够杀死糜。
Coyotes dislike hunting in forests. Wolves prefer it. Interbreeding has produced an animalskilled atcatching prey in both open terrain and densely wooded areas, says Dr Kays. And even their criesblendthose of their ancestors. The first part of ahowlresembles a wolf’s (with a deep pitch), but this thenturns intoa higher-pitched, coyote-likeyipping.
The animal’s range hasencompassedAmerica’s entire north-east, urban areas included, for at least a decade, and is continuing to expand in the south-east following coywolves’ arrival there half a century ago. This is astonishing. Purebred coyotes never managed to establish themselves east of the prairies. Wolves were killed off in eastern forests long ago. But by combining their DNA, the two have given rise to an animal thatis able tospread into a vast and otherwise uninhabitable territory. Indeed, coywolves are now living even in large cities, like Boston, Washington and New York. According to Chris Nagy of the Gotham Coyote Project, which studies them in New York, the Big Apple already has about 20, and numbers are rising.
这种动物的足迹已遍布整个包括城市区域的整个美洲东北部长达10年之久,并跟随土狼半个世纪以前的足迹持续拓展至东南区域。这现象是惊人的。纯种土狼从未成功踏足草原东部。很久之前,狼群在东部丛林中被猎杀。但是二者DNA的混合使得新物种能够传播至广阔但不适宜居住的领地。的确如此,coywoleves现在甚至居住于大城市,如波士顿、华盛顿和纽约。据来自在纽约研究土狼的 the Gotham Coyote Project的Chris Nagy称,纽约大约有20只coywoleves,并且数量在上升。
Somespeculatethat this adaptability to city life is because coywolves’ dog DNA has made them more tolerant of people and noise, perhapscounteracting the genetic material from wolves—an animal that dislikes humans. And interbreeding may have helped coywolvesurbanizein another way, too, bybroadening the animals’ diet. Havingversatiletastesis handy forcity living. Coywolves eat pumpkins, watermelons and other garden produce, as well asdiscardedfood. They also eatrodentsand other smallishmammals. Manylawnsand parks are kept clear of thick underbrush, so catchingsquirrelsand pets is easy. Cats are typically eaten skull and all, with clues left only in the droppings.
Thanks to thisbounty, an urban coywolf need occupy only half the territory it would require in the countryside. And getting into town is easy. Railways providecorridorsthat make the trip simple for animals as well as people.
Surviving once there, though, requires a low profile. As well as having small territories, coywolves have adjusted to city life by becomingnocturnal. They have also learned the Highway Code, looking both ways before they cross a road. Dr Kaysmarvels atthis “amazingcontemporaryevolution story that’s happening rightunderneath our nose”.
Whether the coywolf actually has evolved into a distinct species is debated. Jonathan Way, who works in Massachusetts for the National Park Service, claims in a forthcoming paper that it has. He thinks itsmorphologicaland geneticdivergencefrom its ancestors is sufficient to qualify. But many disagree. One common definition of a species is a population that will not interbreed with outsiders. Since coywolves continue to mate with dogs and wolves, the argument goes, they are therefore not a species. But, given the way coywolves came into existence, that definition would mean wolves and coyotes should not be considered different species either—and that does not even begin to address whether domestic dogs are a species, or just anaberrantform of wolf.
是否Coywolf进化为一种新的物种还有待谈论。在Massachusetts的国家公园工作的Jonathan Way在一篇即将出版的论文中称coywolf已成为一种新物种。他认为与其祖先在形态学和基因上的分化使得他们足以成为新的物种。然而,许多人并不同意。有关物种的一个普遍接受的观点认为物种不能够与其他物种交配并产生后代。因为coywolves能够与狗和狼交配,因此他们不能够成为物种。然而,既然coywolves已诞生,根据这个定义意味着狼和土狼也不该被认为是不同物种,甚至不能够将家狗当作新物种,而是狼的一种变体形态。
In reality, “species” is a concept invented by human beings. And, as this argument shows, that concept is notclear-cut. What the example of the coywolf does demonstrate, though, is that evolution is not the simple process of one speciesbranching intomany that the textbooks might have you believe. Indeed, recent genetic research has discovered that evenHomo sapiensis partly a product ofhybridisation. Modern Europeans carry Neanderthal genes, and modern East Asians the genes of a newly recognised type of early man called the Denisovans. Exactly how this happened is unclear. But maybe, as with the wolves of southern Ontario, it was the only way that some of the early settlers of those areas could get a date.