第五篇 - 从零到壹学习EOS - 三连棋

第五篇 - 从零到壹学习EOS - 三连棋

作者: Venture_Mark | 来源:发表于2018-10-08 08:27 被阅读0次

    查看 cleos 命令

    $ cleos
    ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
    Command Line Interface to EOSIO Client
    Usage: cleos [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND
      -h,--help                         获得帮助信息,使用 -h 或者 --help
      -H,--host TEXT=localhost          运行节点主机地址,例如 localhost,则写为 -H localhost 或者 --host localhost
      -p,--port UINT=8888               运行节点端口,例如8888,则写为 -p 8888 或者 --port 8888
      --wallet-host TEXT=localhost      钱包运行地址
      --wallet-port UINT=8888           钱包运行端口
      -v,--verbose                      输出详细错误操作信息
      version                     返回版本信息
      create                      创建项目,基于或非基于区块链的
      get                         从区块链返回项目和信息
      set                         设置或者更新区块链状态
      transfer                    账户间转移EOS
      net                         与本地 P2P 网络进行交互
      wallet                      与本地钱包进行交互
      sign                        对事务进行签名
      push                        向区块链推送任意事务


    version 中 cleos version client 返回客户端的版本信息

    $ cleos version client
    Build version: d9ad8eec


    cleos create 主要包含 keyaccount两个子命令

    cleos create key


    $ cleos create key
    Private key: 5JuvDHboUGvNa4uUPAQKc3YwwvrHiUesvmCCG8vpS87wDgRiEuR
    Public key: EOS6WkyKPNjcsM3VpynRNFXJtZRtW1tKKByQCXgBjkesLCixhnUgR

    cleos create account

    $ cleos create account
    ERROR: RequiredError: creator
    Create a new account on the blockchain
    Usage: cleos create account [OPTIONS] creator name OwnerKey ActiveKey
      creator TEXT                新账户创建者,例如 eosio
      name TEXT                   新账户名,例如 mytest 
      OwnerKey TEXT               新账户 owner 权限公钥
      ActiveKey TEXT              新账户 active 权限公钥
      -x,--expiration             设置事务失效时间(秒),默认为 30 秒
      -f,--force-unique           确保事务唯一。该操作会消耗额外的带宽并移除保护以防同样的交易被执行
      -s,--skip-sign              指定是否应使用解锁的钱包密钥来签署交易
      -j,--json                   以JSON格式打印结果
      -d,--dont-broadcast         不向网络广播事务(仅打印标准输出)
      -p,--permission TEXT ...    账户和权限授权,格式如 account@permission (默认为 creator@active)
      --max-cpu-usage UINT        设置 CPU 上限,以消耗指令为单位,用于执行事务(默认为 0 即无限制)
      --max-net-usage UINT        设置网络上限,以字节为单位,用于事务(默认为 0 即无限制)
    $ cleos create account -j  eosio mytest EOS6WkyKPNjcsM3VpynRNFXJtZRtW1tKKByQCXgBjkesLCixhnUgR EOS6WkyKPNjcsM3VpynRNFXJtZRtW1tKKByQCXgBjkesLCixhnUgR
      "transaction_id": "1c927e573364a9a826dfc68bd7215ce4fce8101db3b373c6b05b58f29c62edbd",
      "processed": {
        "status": "executed",
        "kcpu_usage": 100,
        "net_usage_words": 44,
        "id": "1c927e573364a9a826dfc68bd7215ce4fce8101db3b373c6b05b58f29c62edbd",
        "action_traces": [{
            "receiver": "eosio",
            "context_free": false,
            "cpu_usage": 32,
            "act": {
              "account": "eosio",
              "name": "newaccount",
              "authorization": [{
                  "actor": "eosio",
                  "permission": "active"
              "data": {
                "creator": "eosio",
                "name": "mytest",
                "owner": {
                  "threshold": 1,
                  "keys": [{
                      "key": "EOS6WkyKPNjcsM3VpynRNFXJtZRtW1tKKByQCXgBjkesLCixhnUgR",
                      "weight": 1
                  "accounts": []
                "active": {
                  "threshold": 1,
                  "keys": [{
                      "key": "EOS6WkyKPNjcsM3VpynRNFXJtZRtW1tKKByQCXgBjkesLCixhnUgR",
                      "weight": 1
                  "accounts": []
                "recovery": {
                  "threshold": 1,
                  "keys": [],
                  "accounts": [{
                      "permission": {
                        "actor": "eosio",
                        "permission": "active"
                      "weight": 1
              "hex_data": "0000000000ea30550000000064acb29701000000010002d60cc82b2b85e2207f9721852bc54963cbb2e1954fb3990171e76feea4b000e701000001000000010002d60cc82b2b85e2207f9721852bc54963cbb2e1954fb3990171e76feea4b000e70100000100000000010000000000ea305500000000a8ed32320100"
            "console": "",
            "data_access": [{
                "type": "write",
                "code": "eosio",
                "scope": "eosio.auth",
                "sequence": 8
            "_profiling_us": 116
        "deferred_transaction_requests": [],
        "read_locks": [],
        "write_locks": [{
            "account": "eosio",
            "scope": "eosio.auth"
        "cpu_usage": 102400,
        "net_usage": 352,
        "packed_trx_digest": "5e8709dca068c02816e492b084a9e54b0154f312265f71aac9fbeff91420e369",
        "region_id": 0,
        "cycle_index": 1,
        "shard_index": 0,
        "_profiling_us": 200,
        "_setup_profiling_us": 7876


    $ cleos get
    ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
    Retrieve various items and information from the blockchain
    Usage: cleos get SUBCOMMAND
      info                        获得当前区块链信息
      block                       返回块信息
      account                     返回账户信息
      code                        返回账户代码和 ABI 接口
      table                       返回数据库表内容
      currency                    返回货币信息
      accounts                    返回指定公钥关联的账户
      servants                    返回指定账户下属账户 
      transaction                 返回一条交易信息
      transactions                返回指定账户所属全部交易信息

    cleos get info


    $ cleos get info
      "server_version": "d9ad8eec",
      "head_block_num": 51011,
      "last_irreversible_block_num": 51010,
      "head_block_id": "0000c743aa4c825077a07c9c8206aac486bfde7bfb778c0c130dc99ee962cbac",
      "head_block_time": "2018-05-02T07:26:30",
      "head_block_producer": "eosio"

    cleos get block

    根据 block的块号 ( block_num ) 和 id 进行查询。

    cleos get block 110 根据区块的 block_num 进行查询。

    $ cleos get block 110
      "previous": "0000006defbb2da98061a90254e25505b35b02632e3391d9ab803b1c4ade0533",
      "timestamp": "2018-04-28T08:59:08.000",
      "transaction_mroot": "7855e31417ce3a872842735bf4e341e91cc3685b57d408180b6f3f4bb7f66cc3",
      "action_mroot": "dd415b823d7b65cb3345bbb3242fccad0739b790d4c5b7a25d0a1a26987f5f49",
      "block_mroot": "41380e040cdf9e920b3bcd37a196a137fa44c0aaeeed986313869478b47936f8",
      "producer": "eosio",
      "schedule_version": 0,
      "new_producers": null,
      "producer_signature": "EOSKkdibZKi49uPY3JteEC8nNiuArnAeNesZp1PzaX35HBp9uoJm55rHPfPSmztvKJTpZdwcpyNxfzM8ngaqBG4Jv7FvQTQAj",
      "regions": [{
          "region": 0,
          "cycles_summary": [[{
                "read_locks": [],
                "write_locks": [],
                "transactions": [{
                    "status": "executed",
                    "kcpu_usage": 2,
                    "net_usage_words": 38,
                    "id": "1652d2926aad12476cd3a0393575201d06b491d82bd88326c9f6ad36da1decf4"
      "input_transactions": [],
      "id": "0000006e01966c10a54dedc1e7786c8996940e5734cbadeb64636603d46bca1d",
      "block_num": 110,
      "ref_block_prefix": 3253554597

    cleos get block 0000006e01966c10a54dedc1e7786c8996940e5734cbadeb64636603d46bca1d 根据区块的 id 进行查询

    $ cleos get block 0000006e01966c10a54dedc1e7786c8996940e5734cbadeb64636603d46bca1d
      "previous": "0000006defbb2da98061a90254e25505b35b02632e3391d9ab803b1c4ade0533",
      "timestamp": "2018-04-28T08:59:08.000",
      "transaction_mroot": "7855e31417ce3a872842735bf4e341e91cc3685b57d408180b6f3f4bb7f66cc3",
      "action_mroot": "dd415b823d7b65cb3345bbb3242fccad0739b790d4c5b7a25d0a1a26987f5f49",
      "block_mroot": "41380e040cdf9e920b3bcd37a196a137fa44c0aaeeed986313869478b47936f8",
      "producer": "eosio",
      "schedule_version": 0,
      "new_producers": null,
      "producer_signature": "EOSKkdibZKi49uPY3JteEC8nNiuArnAeNesZp1PzaX35HBp9uoJm55rHPfPSmztvKJTpZdwcpyNxfzM8ngaqBG4Jv7FvQTQAj",
      "regions": [{
          "region": 0,
          "cycles_summary": [[{
                "read_locks": [],
                "write_locks": [],
                "transactions": [{
                    "status": "executed",
                    "kcpu_usage": 2,
                    "net_usage_words": 38,
                    "id": "1652d2926aad12476cd3a0393575201d06b491d82bd88326c9f6ad36da1decf4"
      "input_transactions": [],
      "id": "0000006e01966c10a54dedc1e7786c8996940e5734cbadeb64636603d46bca1d",
      "block_num": 110,
      "ref_block_prefix": 3253554597

    cleos get account


    $ cleos get account mytest
      "account_name": "mytest",
      "permissions": [{
          "perm_name": "active",
          "parent": "owner",
          "required_auth": {
            "threshold": 1,
            "keys": [{
                "key": "EOS6WkyKPNjcsM3VpynRNFXJtZRtW1tKKByQCXgBjkesLCixhnUgR",
                "weight": 1
            "accounts": []
          "perm_name": "owner",
          "parent": "",
          "required_auth": {
            "threshold": 1,
            "keys": [{
                "key": "EOS6WkyKPNjcsM3VpynRNFXJtZRtW1tKKByQCXgBjkesLCixhnUgR",
                "weight": 1
            "accounts": []

    cleos get code


    $ cleos get code mytest
    code hash: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    cleos get table


    $ cleos get table
    ERROR: RequiredError: contract
    Retrieve the contents of a database table
    Usage: cleos get table [OPTIONS] contract scope table
      contract TEXT               拥有数据表的合约名称
      scope TEXT                  目标表相关合约作用域
      table TEXT                  合约 ABI 文件指定的表名称
      -b,--binary UINT            将值以二进制形式返回
      -l,--limit UINT             设置最大返回行数
      -k,--key TEXT               ABI 定义的索引键,默认为主键
      -L,--lower TEXT             JSON representation of lower bound value of key, defaults to first
      -U,--upper TEXT             JSON representation of upper bound value value of key, defaults to last
    $ cleos get table eosio.token user account
      "rows": [],
      "more": false
    # 没有查询出数据,存在问题

    cleos get currency

    $ cleos get currency 
    ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
    Retrieve information related to standard currencies
    Usage: cleos get currency [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND
      -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
      balance                     返回账户内指定货币的余额
      stats                       返回指定货币的统计信息

    cleos get currency balance

    $ cleos get currency balance
    ERROR: RequiredError: contract
    Retrieve the balance of an account for a given currency
    Usage: cleos get currency balance contract account [symbol]
      contract TEXT               货币合约名称
      account TEXT                查询账户
      symbol TEXT                 指定货币符号,例如 EOS ,此项非必须
    $ cleos get currency balance eosio.token user
    75.0000 EOS

    cleos get currency stats

    $ cleos get currency stats
    ERROR: RequiredError: contract
    Retrieve the stats of for a given currency
    Usage: cleos get currency stats contract [symbol]
      contract TEXT               货币合约名称
      symbol TEXT                 指定货币符号,例如 EOS ,此项非必须
    $ cleos get currency stats eosio.token
    # 未返回任何信息,存在问题

    cleos get accounts

    $ cleos get accounts
    ERROR: RequiredError: public_key
    Retrieve accounts associated with a public key
    Usage: cleos get accounts public_key
      public_key TEXT             指定想返回其关联账户的公钥
    $ cleos get accounts EOS7dhCfJx1W5JLNt8u5AaEBrMfqiZzcVuo9PoPWjsxuuzZE36eXE
      "account_names": [

    cleos get servants

    $ cleos get servants
    ERROR: RequiredError: account
    Retrieve accounts which are servants of a given account 
    Usage: cleos get servants account
      account TEXT                指定想返回其控制账户的账户名
    $ cleos get servants eosio
      "controlled_accounts": [

    $ cleos get transactions
    ERROR: RequiredError: account_name
    Retrieve all transactions with specific account name referenced in their scope
    Usage: cleos get transactions [OPTIONS] account_name [skip_seq] [num_seq]
      account_name TEXT           目标账户名
      skip_seq TEXT               交易起始号,例如想从第 3 条交易开始返回信息,就填 3 (交易起始 seq_num 为 0),此项非必须  num_seq TEXT                  返回数据的数量
      -j,--json                   print full json
    $ cleos get transactions user -j
      "transactions": [{
          "seq_num": 0,
          "transaction_id": "994f170977008e2b26b12fab4012ea820236d21be602688efaff7a75797d56c4",
          "transaction": {
            "signatures": [
            "compression": "none",
            "packed_context_free_data": "",
            "context_free_data": [],
            "packed_trx": "4729e85a0000922f614b7ebb000000000100a6823403ea3055000000572d3ccdcd0100000000007015d600000000a8ed32322200000000007015d6000000005c95b1ca90d003000000000004454f5300000000016d",
            "transaction": {
              "expiration": "2018-05-01T08:45:59",
              "region": 0,
              "ref_block_num": 12178,
              "ref_block_prefix": 3145616225,
              "max_net_usage_words": 0,
              "max_kcpu_usage": 0,
              "delay_sec": 0,
              "context_free_actions": [],
              "actions": [{
                  "account": "eosio.token",
                  "name": "transfer",
                  "authorization": [{
                      "actor": "user",
                      "permission": "active"
                  "data": {
                    "from": "user",
                    "to": "tester",
                    "quantity": "25.0000 EOS",
                    "memo": "m"
                  "hex_data": "00000000007015d6000000005c95b1ca90d003000000000004454f5300000000016d"
          "seq_num": 1,
          "transaction_id": "5c293faaec455bf2b26bf3b2eb05c320a2aa3956085a1ad428ae2e53ff5091c0",
          "transaction": {
            "signatures": [
            "compression": "none",
            "packed_context_free_data": "",
            "context_free_data": [],
            "packed_trx": "d228e85a0000a92e7ac138db000000000100a6823403ea30550000000000a53176010000000000ea305500000000a8ed32321d00000000007015d640420f000000000004454f5300000000046d656d6f",
            "transaction": {
              "expiration": "2018-05-01T08:44:02",
              "region": 0,
              "ref_block_num": 11945,
              "ref_block_prefix": 3677929850,
              "max_net_usage_words": 0,
              "max_kcpu_usage": 0,
              "delay_sec": 0,
              "context_free_actions": [],
              "actions": [{
                  "account": "eosio.token",
                  "name": "issue",
                  "authorization": [{
                      "actor": "eosio",
                      "permission": "active"
                  "data": {
                    "to": "user",
                    "quantity": "100.0000 EOS",
                    "memo": "memo"
                  "hex_data": "00000000007015d640420f000000000004454f5300000000046d656d6f"

    cleos get transaction

    根据 transaction 的 id 查看详细信息。

    $ cleos get transaction
    ERROR: RequiredError: id
    Retrieve a transaction from the blockchain
    Usage: cleos get transaction id
      id TEXT                     交易的id
    $ cleos get transaction 5c293faaec455bf2b26bf3b2eb05c320a2aa3956085a1ad428ae2e53ff5091c0
      "transaction_id": "5c293faaec455bf2b26bf3b2eb05c320a2aa3956085a1ad428ae2e53ff5091c0",
      "transaction": {
        "signatures": [
        "compression": "none",
        "packed_context_free_data": "",
        "context_free_data": [],
        "packed_trx": "d228e85a0000a92e7ac138db000000000100a6823403ea30550000000000a53176010000000000ea305500000000a8ed32321d00000000007015d640420f000000000004454f5300000000046d656d6f",
        "transaction": {
          "expiration": "2018-05-01T08:44:02",
          "region": 0,
          "ref_block_num": 11945,
          "ref_block_prefix": 3677929850,
          "max_net_usage_words": 0,
          "max_kcpu_usage": 0,
          "delay_sec": 0,
          "context_free_actions": [],
          "actions": [{
              "account": "eosio.token",
              "name": "issue",
              "authorization": [{
                  "actor": "eosio",
                  "permission": "active"
              "data": {
                "to": "user",
                "quantity": "100.0000 EOS",
                "memo": "memo"
              "hex_data": "00000000007015d640420f000000000004454f5300000000046d656d6f"


    $ cleos set
    ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
    Set or update blockchain state
    Usage: cleos set [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND
      -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
      contract                    基于账户创建或更新合约
      account                     设置或更新区块链账户状况
      action                      设置或更新区块链操作状况

    cleos set contract

    $ cleos set contract
    ERROR: RequiredError: account
    Create or update the contract on an account
    Usage: cleos set contract [OPTIONS] account contract-dir [wast-file] [abi-file]
      account TEXT                发行合约的账户
      contract-dir TEXT           .wast 和 .abi 文件路径
      wast-file TEXT              相对于合约文件夹, WAST 文件路径,此项非必须relative to contract-dir
      abi-file TEXT               相对于合约文件夹, ABI 文件路径,此项非必须
      -h,--help                   打印帮助信息
      -a,--abi TEXT               相对于合约文件夹, ABI 文件路径
      -x,--expiration             设置交易失效时间(秒),默认为 30 秒
      -f,--force-unique           确保交易唯一。该操作会消耗额外的带宽并移除保护以防同样的交易被执行
      -s,--skip-sign              指定是否应使用解锁的钱包密钥来签署交易
      -j,--json                   以JSON格式打印结果
      -d,--dont-broadcast         不向网络广播事务(仅打印标准输出)
      -p,--permission TEXT ...    账户和权限授权,格式如 account@permission (默认为 creator@active)
      --max-cpu-usage UINT        设置 CPU 上限,以消耗指令为单位,用于执行事务(默认为 0 即无限制)
      --max-net-usage UINT        设置网络上限,以字节为单位,用于事务(默认为 0 即无限制)
    $ cleos set contract eosio.test  build/contracts/currency -j -p eosio.test
    Reading WAST...
    Assembling WASM...
    Publishing contract...
      "transaction_id": "c6d5b640b42aaccd50f209f92a489c10b12b8b8d736ec27af59acfe28ac87692",
      "processed": {
        "status": "executed",
        "kcpu_usage": 2149,
        "net_usage_words": 889,
        "id": "c6d5b640b42aaccd50f209f92a489c10b12b8b8d736ec27af59acfe28ac87692",
        "action_traces": [{
            "receiver": "eosio",
            "context_free": false,
            "cpu_usage": 0,
            "act": {
              "account": "eosio",
              "name": "setcode",


    $ cleos wallet
    ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
    Interact with local wallet
    Usage: cleos wallet SUBCOMMAND
      create                      创建本地新钱包
      open                        加载已存在钱包
      lock                        锁定钱包
      lock_all                    锁定所有钱包
      unlock                      解锁钱包
      import                      将私钥导入钱包
      list                        已加载钱包列表,钱包名后带有 * 代表此钱包未锁定
      keys                        未锁定钱包含有的公/私钥对

    cleos wallet create

    通过 -n 指定相应的钱包的名字

    $ cleos wallet create -n test
    Creating wallet: test
    Save password to use in the future to unlock this wallet.
    Without password imported keys will not be retrievable.

    cleos wallet open

    通过 -n 打开相应的钱包

    $ cleos wallet open
    Opened: default
    $ cleos wallet open -n test
    Opened: test

    cleos wallet lock

    通过 -n 打开相应的钱包

    $ cleos wallet lock
    Locked: default
    $ cleos wallet lock -n test
    Locked: test

    cleos wallet lock_all

    $ cleos wallet lock_all
    Locked All Wallets

    cleos wallet unlock

    $ cleos wallet unlock --password PW5KhQAW7G2BafbXiQSMV9PaNzqz118Uxj9S8VYZB2k6MNxSqNdmc
    Unlocked: default
    $ cleos wallet unlock -n default --password PW5KhQAW7G2BafbXiQSMV9PaNzqz118Uxj9S8VYZB2k6MNxSqNdmc
    Unlocked: default

    cleos wallet import

    将 私钥 导入到钱包中

    $ cleos wallet import
    ERROR: RequiredError: key
    Import private key into wallet
    Usage: cleos wallet import [OPTIONS] key
      key TEXT                    Private key in WIF format to import
      -n,--name TEXT              The name of the wallet to import key into
    $ cleos wallet import 5JFAuV51Tu2pSSBrHLwiGjUohptSwHXYDvaXcRLd3LUEYGGLifF
    imported private key for: EOS7AYodYDaYGixh9A7rusCnqLFXTX8BUHc7RsLQSNX2FHNwz8tez

    cleos wallet list

    $ cleos wallet list
      "default *",

    cleos wallet keys


    $ cleos wallet keys


    cleos push action 推送一条操作事务

    $ cleos push action
      contract TEXT               执行合约账户
      action TEXT                 合约定义的操作方法
      data TEXT                   具体操作数据
    $ cleos push action eosio.token transfer '[ "user", "tester", "25.0000 EOS", "m" ]' -p user
    executed transaction: 0a72215bc435a06bdf275f123aaa25c0e897b63ed0ea3b8a8a068fcae3bc92ba  256 bytes  110592 cycles
    #   eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"user","to":"tester","quantity":"25.0000 EOS","memo":"m"}
    >> transfer
    #          user <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"user","to":"tester","quantity":"25.0000 EOS","memo":"m"}
    #        tester <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"user","to":"tester","quantity":"25.0000 EOS","memo":"m"}



          本文标题:第五篇 - 从零到壹学习EOS - 三连棋
