

作者: GTA_Spano | 来源:发表于2021-08-10 12:55 被阅读0次


 In the past couple of decades, the world began to develop faster than any era before. People nowadays can communicate with each other even thousands of miles apart through Internet mobile devices such as cellphones, and surf on the internet. News and other medias are more platforms appear to be prevalent and faster, consequently ”globalization” or the means to minimize communication barriers appear to shrink international connections,posing both pros and cons. has come out, it means that there are fewer obstacles between communication and it feels like that the earth had shrunken.Now the impact it has brought has both pros and cons.

  Firstly, globalization can bring many boons to humans. Through the Internet, it is much easier to procure information, where people can exchange and share ideas freely, it is much easier to procure information, and learn about each other’s cultures. Myriad TV programmes show recreations and life styles all around the world. Modes of transport Transportation are easy and convenient, so people can travel quickly around the world to declaim and disseminate their religious thoughts economic concepts and ideas. These technologies make people understand each other more and breakdown the social barriers.

  On the contrary, the cons of globalization are ubiquitous and distinct as well. Every year ,lots of minor languages disappear as one of the consequences of globalization Since young juveniles are more attracted to the media and be much less likely to inherit their religious practices. As Due to English and many other languages’ domination, it soon became almost impossible to live without learning the dominating universal languages, hence,juveniles are more attracted to learning the universal language, which causes the disappearance of local dialects and soon the local dialect disappears .

  To put it into a nutshell, whether globalization is beneficial or bad is still a controversial and focusing topic.    



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