
作者: 豌豆小姐要早睡 | 来源:发表于2017-01-21 21:15 被阅读0次





    我的学习方式和别人不一样,我很早就发现了。就像Tim Ferriss一样,曾经的我也在自己yy的童话世界开心得风生水起,现实生活中却对一切不怎么熟悉的领域有种本能的抵触情绪。游泳学的不晚,小学二三年级的暑假,然而惭愧的却是一直也都还是抱着逃避心理,第二年暑假自学才把蛙泳学到摆脱了旱鸭子的层次。

    the best result in life is often held back by false constructs and untested consumptions

    small flicks, no kicking,and the only purpose of that is to rotate his hips so that he can get to the opposite side,  

    and the entry point is not reaching in front of it and catching the water,

    rather, he's entering the water at 45 degree angle with his fore arm,

    and propelling himself by streamlining, that's very important

    it's often times not what you do but how you do that' s the determing factor


    his body is poorly designed for most things

    he got a female instructer first,  to teach the female role, the follow, because he wanted to understand the sensitivities and abilities that the follow need to develop, so he wouldn't have a repeat of colleage

    and then he took an inventory of the characteristics along with her, of the capabilities and elements of different dancers who had won championships. He interview them for they all taught there.

    he compared two lists and found that there's some explicitly expertise they recommend, certain training method.. then there is implicit commonalities that none of them seemed to be practicing.

    now the protectiionism of the ARgentine dancing teachers aside,he found that's interesting and decided to focus on three commonalities

    long steps

    different types of pivots 不同的轴转

    variation in tempo 节奏的变化

    these seemed to be the three area i'm going to exploit to compete, if he wanted to compete against people who had been practicing for 20~30 years.

    fear is your friend, is your indicator,

    take the analytical frameworks ,the capabilities you have, apply them to your old fears, apply them to very big dreams



