

作者: Clairelalune现象级 | 来源:发表于2019-02-06 13:10 被阅读84次

British universities -Money and meaning

Studying a “useless” field at Oxbridge costs a mint in forgone earnings

mint:这里是“巨款”的意思,而forgone这里是“放弃、没有也行”的意思(to abstain or refrain from; do without),


Sceptics of higher education often complain that universities offer too many frivolous degrees with little value in the workplace. Since elite universities tend to produce higher-earning graduates than less selective institutions do, you might expect them to teach more practical courses. Yet data from Britain’s department for education show the opposite. Undergraduate students at prestigious universities are more likely to study purely academic fields such as philosophy and classics, whereas those at less choosy ones tend to pick vocational topics such as business or nursing.

1、frivious: 1) (of people or their behaviour) silly or amusing, espcecially wjen such behaviour is not suitable.

2) having no useful or serious purpose 这里应当是第二个意思。

2、prestigious: respected and admired as very important or of very high quality.

3、choosy: careful in choosing; difficult to please 精挑细选;爱挑剔;难取悦。


What could explain this seeming contradiction? One reason is that employers treat a degree from a top university as a proxy for intelligence. This means that students at elite institutions can study bookish subjects and still squeak by financially. The median Cambridge graduate in a creative-arts subject—the university’s least lucrative group of courses, including fields such as music—earns around £25,000 ($32,400) at age 26. Economics students from less exalted universities, such as Hull, make a similar amount.

1、proxy: 1) the authority that you give to sb to do sth for you, when you can not do it yourself.代理权

2) a person who has been given the authortiy to represetn sb else.代理人;代表


2、squeak: to only just manage to win sth, pass a test. 勉强通过;侥幸成功

3、lucrative: producing a large amout of money; making a large profit 获利多

4、exalt: 1) to make sb rise to a higher rank or postion; somtimes to one that they do not deserve 提拔,有时候是提拔到不该得到的职位上

2) to praise sb/sth very much.赞扬


Yet even though Oxbridge students can pretend to read “Ulysses” for years and still expect a decent salary, they end up paying a large opportunity cost by pursuing the arts. That is because employers reserve the highest starting wages for students who both attended a leading university and also studied a marketable subject. Cambridge creative-arts graduates earn £11,000 more at age 26 than do those from Wrexham Glyndwr University, whose arts alumni are the lowest-earning in Britain. In contrast, Cambridge economics graduates make £44,000 more than do those from the University of Salford, where the economics course is the country’s least remunerative.

1、remunerative: (formal) paying a lot of money 报酬丰厚的


Many gifted arts students would struggle to crunch numbers. But for those who can excel at both, the cost of sticking with the arts, in terms of forgone wages, is steep. Cambridge creative-arts students have a level scores close to those of economics students at Warwick, but earn about half as much. That is tantamount to giving up an annuity worth £500,000.

1、crunch: to deal with large amounts of data very quickly 处理信息(快速大量)

2、steep: 1) rising or falling quickly, not gradually. 陡峭的 2) (of a rise or fall in an amount) sudden and very big 突然;大起大落

3) (informal) too much; unreasonable 过高的;过分的;不合理的 这里是第三个意思。

3、tantamount: having the same bad effect as sth else 等于;效果一样

4、annuity: a fixed amount of money paid to sb each year, usually for the rest of their life 养老金


Who can afford such indulgence? The answer is Oxbridge students, who often have rich parents. At most universities, students in courses that lead to high-paying jobs, such as economics and medicine, tend to come from wealthier families, partly because such applicants are more likely to have the examination scores necessary to be accepted. At Oxbridge, however, no such correlation exists. History and philosophy students there come from richer parts of Britain, on average, than their peers studying medicine do.

1、indulgence:1) sth that you allow yourself to have even though it is not essential 嗜好;爱好;享受

2)willingness to ignore the weaknesses in sb/sth 宽容;包涵;

3)(usually disapproving) the state or act of having or doing whatever you want; the state of allowing sb to have or do whatever they want 沉溺;放纵;纵容


2、correlation: a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does 相互关系;相关



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