

作者: A棵橡树 | 来源:发表于2021-02-21 15:30 被阅读0次

第一本 Teaching and Learning of Energy in K – 12 Education ,英文水平有限,太费劲,还没看到中文版
第二本 还没看到电子版
Teaching Energy Across the Sciences K-12

In the 2016 NSTA publication “Teaching Energy Across the Sciences K-12” (Nordine, 2016), they present five Big Ideas about energy generated from discussions at two national summits on the teaching and learning of energy.

  1. Big Idea 1. All energy is fundamentally the same and can be manifested in different phenomena that are often referred to as different “forms” or “types”.
  2. Big Idea 2. Energy can be transformed/ converted from one form/type to another.
  3. Big Idea 3. Energy can be transferred between systems and objects.
  4. Big Idea 4. Energy is conserved. It is never created or destroyed, only transformed/ converted or transferred.
  5. Big Idea 5. Energy is dissipated in all macroscopic (involving more than just a few particles) processes.
    Keeping these five Big Ideas in mind when planning instruction will help teachers put students in situations where it is easier to understand the concept of energy and to develop a more consistent idea of what energy represents both in school and in their everyday lives.

The foundation for the ideas presented in this book comes from a series of two international summits on the teaching and learning of energy, which were held in 2012 and 2013
and funded by the National Science Foundation (grant NSF DUE-0928666).

The first of these summits sought to clarify what the research community has learned about energy as a crosscutting science concept and to identify trends, challenges, and future research needs in the field of energy education. Participants in this summit included science education researchers, scientists, and science teachers. This first summit resulted in the book Teaching and Learning of Energy in K–12 Education (Chen et al. 2014),
which provides an overview of what the science education research community understands students ought to know about energy, challenges associated with the teaching and learning of energy, and promising approaches to energy instruction.

The second summit built on the first and was focused on the practice of teaching energy in grades K–12. The majority of participants in the first summit were scientists and science education researchers, with only a small group of teacher-participants; in contrast, the majority of participants in the second summit were teachers, with only a small group of scientists and science education researchers.

For continuity, all of the teachers who attended the first summit also attended the second, and all of the scientists and science education researchers who attended the second summit also attended the first.
Researcher-participants in the first summit submitted papers based on their research and teacher-participants in the second summit submitted lesson plans from their teaching;
these submissions formed the basis of discussion at both summits. The issues, ideas, and strategies related to the teaching and learning of energy that emerged from these summits form the foundation of this book.
The individuals in Table 1 participated in the first (research-focused) summit.


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