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What's the difference between mythology and folklore?
【单词】mythology [mi-'thol-uh-jee][mɪ'θɒlədʒi] n. 神话;神话学;神话集
【单词】folklore ['fohk-lawr, -lohr]['fəʊklɔː] n. 民间传说;民俗学;民间风俗
Mythology implies more that it's religious views, whereas folklore is like supernatural stories of a region that don't necessarily constitute a religion.
【单词】implies 原型:imply [im-'plahy][ɪm'plaɪ] vt. 暗示;意指;含有 ... 的意义
【单词】religious [ri-'lij-uhs][rɪ'lɪdʒəs] adj. 宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;信奉宗教的
【单词】whereas [hwair-'az, wair-][ˌweər'æz] conj. 然而;鉴于
【单词】supernatural [soo-per-'nach-er-uhl, -'nach-ruhl][ˌsuːpə'nætʃrəl] adj. 超自然的;神奇的
【单词】region ['ree-juhn]['riːdʒən] n. 地区;范围;领域;地带;地域
【单词】necessarily [nes-uh-'sair-uh-lee, -'ser-][ˌnesə'serəli] adv. 必然地;必定地;必需地
【单词】constitute ['kon-sti-toot, -tyoot]['kɒnstɪtjuːt] vt. 构成;组成;任命;建立;制定
【单词】religion [ri-'lij-uh n][rɪ'lɪdʒən] n. 宗教;宗教信仰
【专有名词】Mythology [mi-'thol-uh-jee][mɪ'θɒlədʒi] n. 神话;神话学;神话集
Zeus is mythology, Bigfoot is folklore.
【专有名词】Zeus n. 宙斯(希腊神话中的主神)
【专有名词】Bigfoot ['big-foot]['bɪɡfʊt] n. 大脚怪(据称生活在北美洲西北部太平洋沿岸森林中的野人;亦称Sasquatch)
Folklore is the collection of all traditions of some group of people.
【单词】Folklore 原型:folklore ['fohk-lawr, -lohr]['fəʊklɔː] n. 民间传说;民俗学;民间风俗
【单词】collection [kuh-'lek-shuhn][kə'lekʃn] n. 收集;收取,聚集
【单词】traditions 原型:tradition [truh-'dish-uhn][trə'dɪʃn] n. 传统;惯例
Songs, stories, games, proverbs, etc.
【单词】proverbs 原型:proverb ['prov-erb]['prɒvɜːb] n. 谚语;格言;众所周知的人
【单词】etc ['etk] abbr. 及其他;等等(=Et cetera)
Myth is a type of folklore.
【专有名词】Myth [mith][mɪθ] n. 神话;虚构的故事
To be more precise, is any narrative shared among a group of people that explains something about how the world is now.
【单词】precise [pri-'sahys][prɪ'saɪs] adj. 精确的;恰好的;准确的;严格的
【单词】narrative ['nar-uh-tiv]['nærətɪv] n. 故事;叙述
【单词】explains 原型:explain [ik-'spleyn][ɪk'spleɪn] v. 说明;解释
Mythology is the collection of myths from some particular group of people.
Myths tend to be symbolic or are 'origin stories' for phenomena, like Persephone and the harvest season.
【用法】tend to表示“朝某方向;趋向;偏重”,后面接动词原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错。
【单词】symbolic [sim-'bol-ik][sɪm'bɒlɪk] adj. 象征的;符号的 n. 代号
【单词】origin ['awr-i-jin, 'or-]['ɒrɪdʒɪn] n. 起源;出身;起因
【单词】phenomena 原型:phenomenon [fi-'nom-uh-non, -nuhn][fə'nɒmɪnən] n. 现象;奇人;奇事
【单词】harvest ['hahr-vist]['hɑːvɪst] n. 收成;收获;收割
【专有名词】Persephone n. 珀耳塞福涅,据说是古希腊神话中众神之王宙斯和农业女神德墨忒尔的女儿,奥林匹斯众神之一,因被冥王哈迪斯(Hades)绑架到冥界结婚,成为冥界的王后。珀耳塞福涅也是丰收女神,因此这里会举这个例子。