Bully a plant, a live experiment with two IKEAplants and with thousands of children, to help to raise awareness aroundAnti-Bullying Day on 4th May in theMiddle East.
The live experiment involved IKEA taking two ofits very own plants and installing them at the school, where one plant was fedcompliments and words of encouragement, while the other was verbally bulliedwith hateful words.
The students were encouraged to record theirown voices to share their love with the first plant and give words of criticismto the second.
After 30 days – while the complimented plantcontinued to thrive, the bullied plant was visibly struggling, and looking dullwith droopy brown leaves.
Both plants were treated strictly the same:with the same amount water. Exposed with of sunlight, water and fertiliser. Theonly difference being, we said words of criticism to one plant, and words ofencouragement to the other, for a span of 30 days. By the end of theexperiment, the impressive results spoke for themselves.
连植物都尚且如此,更何况是人... 所以,无论是现实生活中还是在虚拟的网络中,我们都不要成为一个站在制高点去霸凌别人的人,因为受欺负人的心中,可不止是枯萎的叶子这么简单...