
作者: 蓝雨麦浪 | 来源:发表于2015-12-25 13:44 被阅读0次




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1. 开始使用Spring


如果你是刚刚开始学习Spring,你可能想要通过Spring框架创建一个简单的程序,您可以使用Spring Boot来快速创建一个基于Spring的程序,Spring Boot基于Spring框架,使用注解替换繁琐的配置,为了让你尽快启动并运行。

您可以使用 start.spring.io生成一个基本项目,您可以查看我们的入门指南中的相关动手教程,如建立一个基于RESTful Web服务,除了让您更快的了解Spring框架,这些教程都是比较常用的叫程程,当您阅读这些教程的时候,您也应该思索一些问题,比如如何将这个应用到您自己的项目当中去。



Spring使您能够从普通的plain old Java Objects(POJOs)转换到由Spring托管获取Pojos,这个功能适用于Java SE和部分Java ee


  • 在Java方法中执行数据库事务,而无需了解事务底层
  • 使本地Java方法远程而无需处理远程过程
  • 使用本地Java方法管理操作,而无需处理JMX api
  • 使用本地Java方法处理消息,而无需管理JMS Api
2.1 依赖注入和控制反转


A Java application — a loose term that runs the gamut from constrained, embedded applications to n-tier, server-side enterprise applications — typically consists of objects that collaborate to form the application proper. Thus the objects in an application have dependencies on each other.
Although the Java platform provides a wealth of application development functionality, it lacks the means to organize the basic building blocks into a coherent whole, leaving that task to architects and developers. Although you can use design patterns such as Factory, Abstract Factory, Builder, Decorator, and Service Locator to compose the various classes and object instances that make up an application, these patterns are simply that: best practices given a name, with a description of what the pattern does, where to apply it, the problems it addresses, and so forth. Patterns are formalized best practices that you must implement yourself in your application.
The Spring Framework Inversion of Control (IoC) component addresses this concern by providing a formalized means of composing disparate components into a fully working application ready for use. The Spring Framework codifies formalized design patterns as first-class objects that you can integrate into your own application(s). Numerous organizations and institutions use the Spring Framework in this manner to engineer robust, maintainable applications.

2.2 模块

Spring框架的功能模块分为大约20多个模块,这些模块分为:核心容器,数据访问/集成,网络,AOP, Instrumentation, Messaging, and Test,如下图所示

图2.1 Spring框架的概述

Spring Framework Runtime
2.2.1 核心容器

Spring核心容器由:spring core, spring bean, spring-context, spring-context-support, spring-expression组成

Spring coreSpring bean模块提供基本的部分框架,包括Ioc依赖注入特性,BeanFactory是一个复杂的工厂模式实现。



