

作者: Lucifer1993 | 来源:发表于2023-04-10 19:21 被阅读0次

    Query the schema version

    AdFind -schema -s base objectVersion

    Query wellKnownObjects

    AdFind -default -s base wellknownObjects

    List deleted objects

    AdFind -default -rb "CN=Deleted Objects" -showdel

    List conflict objects

    AdFind -b -gc -f "(Name=*\0ACNF:*)" -dn

    Retrieve all Attributes

    AdFind.exe -schema -f “objectClass=attributeSchema” cn lDAPDisplayName -nodn -csv >Attributes.txt

    Retrieve all Classes

    AdFind.exe -schema -f “objectclass=classSchema” cn lDAPDisplayName -nodn -csv >Classes.txt

    Find Domain Functional level (for example Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -s Base -b "DC=Contoso,DC=com" msDS-Behavior-Version

    List Subnets

    AdFind -subnets -f (objectCategory=subnet)

    List UPN Suffixes

    AdFind -partitions -s base uPNSuffixes

    List Password Policy

    AdFind -default -s base lockoutduration lockoutthreshold lockoutobservationwindow maxpwdage minpwdage minpwdlength pwdhistorylength pwdproperties

    Check Tombstone Lifetime

    AdFind -config -f objectclass=ntdsservice tombstoneLifetime

    Query AD for all Groups and Users that have adminCount = 1 (adminSDholder)

    AdFind -default -f "(&(|(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))(objectCategory=group))(adminCount=1))" -dn

    List all objects in an OU (for example OU=NewYork, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -b "OU=NewYork,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s one -dn

    List all OUs in Domain

    AdFind -default -f "objectcategory=organizationalUnit" -dn

    Find disabled accounts

    AdFind -default -bit -f userAccountControl:AND:=2


    AdFind -s subtree -b DC=Contoso,DC=com -f userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2 -dn

    List Users with expired password

    AdFind -s subtree -b ,DC=Contoso,DC=com -f userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=8388608 -dn

    List Users Display Name in domain

    AdFind -b DC=Contoso,DC=com -f "objectcategory=person" displayName -sl

    Find User SID History (for example User=Ed.Price)

    AdFind -default -f name=Ed.Price sIDHistory

    List Users with Dial-in configuration that have Allow access in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind.exe -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -f "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(msNPAllowDialin=TRUE))" distinguishedName sAMAccountName

    List Users with Dial-in configuration that have Deny access in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind.exe -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -f "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(msNPAllowDialin=FALSE))" distinguishedName sAMAccountName

    List Users with Dial-in configuration that have Control access through Remote Access Policy in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind.exe -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -f "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(msNPAllowDialin=*)))" distinguishedName sAMAccountName

    List member of a Group (for example Group=IT_Support)

    AdFind -b "CN=IT_Support,CN=Users,DC=Contoso,DC=com" member

    Count the number of members of a Group (for example Group=IT_Support)

    AdFind -f "sAMAccountName=IT_Support" member -list | AdFind -c

    List Nested Group members (for example Group=Support, OU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -default -bit -f "memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=Support,OU=IT,DC=Contos,DC=com" sAMAccountName -nodn

    List all Groups in OU ( for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -f "(objectcategory=group)"

    List all Universal Distribution Groups in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind –gc -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -bit -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(sAMAccountType=268435457)(grouptype:OR:=8))" 1.1

    List all Universal Security Groups in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind –gc -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -bit -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(grouptype:AND:=-2147483640))" 1.1

    List all Universal Groups (Distribution & Security) in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -gc -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -bit -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(grouptype:OR:=8))" 1.1

    List all Global Groups (Distribution & Security) in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -bit -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(grouptype:OR:=2))" 1.1

    List all Global Security Groups in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -bit -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(grouptype:AND:=-2147483646))" 1.1

    List all Global Distribution Groups in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -bit -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(sAMAccountType=268435457)(grouptype:OR:=2))" 1.1

    List all Domain Local Groups (Distribution & Security) in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -bit -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(grouptype:OR:=4))" 1.1

    List all Domain Local Security Groups in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(sAMAccountType=536870912))" 1.1

    List all Domain Local Distribution Groups in OU (for exampleOU=IT, Domain=Contoso.com)

    AdFind -b "OU=IT,DC=Contoso,DC=com" -s subtree -f "(&(objectcategory=group)(sAMAccountType=536870913))" 1.1

    Find all Computer objects in domain and displays cn & createTimeStamp

    AdFind -b dc=Contoso,dc=com -f "objectcategory=computer" cn createTimeStamp



