

作者: 珏_Gray | 来源:发表于2019-06-14 09:46 被阅读0次



 *  AbilityTasks are small, self contained operations that can be performed while executing an ability.
 *  They are latent/asynchronous is nature. They will generally follow the pattern of 'start something and wait until it is finished or interrupted'
 *  We have code in K2Node_LatentAbilityCall to make using these in blueprints streamlined. The best way to become familiar with AbilityTasks is to 
 *  look at existing tasks like UAbilityTask_WaitOverlap (very simple) and UAbilityTask_WaitTargetData (much more complex).
 *  These are the basic requirements for using an ability task:
 *  1) Define dynamic multicast, BlueprintAssignable delegates in your AbilityTask. These are the OUTPUTs of your task. When these delegates fire,
 *  execution resumes in the calling blueprints.
 *  2) Your inputs are defined by a static factory function which will instantiate an instance of your task. The parameters of this function define
 *  the INPUTs into your task. All the factory function should do is instantiate your task and possibly set starting parameters. It should NOT invoke
 *  any of the callback delegates!
 *  3) Implement a Activate() function (defined here in base class). This function should actually start/execute your task logic. It is safe to invoke
 *  callback delegates here.
 *  This is all you need for basic AbilityTasks. 
 *  CheckList:
 *      -Override ::OnDestroy() and unregister any callbacks that the task registered. Call Super::EndTask too!
 *      -Implemented an Activate function which truly 'starts' the task. Do not 'start' the task in your static factory function!
 *  --------------------------------------
 *  We have additional support for AbilityTasks that want to spawn actors. Though this could be accomplished in an Activate() function, it would not be
 *  possible to pass in dynamic "ExposeOnSpawn" actor properties. This is a powerful feature of blueprints, in order to support this, you need to implement 
 *  a different step 3:
 *  Instead of an Activate() function, you should implement a BeginSpawningActor() and FinishSpawningActor() function.
 *  BeginSpawningActor() must take in a TSubclassOf<YourActorClassToSpawn> parameters named 'Class'. It must also have a out reference parameters of type 
 *  YourActorClassToSpawn*& named SpawnedActor. This function is allowed to decide whether it wants to spawn the actor or not (useful if wishing to
 *  predicate actor spawning on network authority).
 *  BeginSpawningActor() can instantiate an actor with SpawnActorDefferred. This is important, otherwise the UCS will run before spawn parameters are set.
 *  BeginSpawningActor() should also set the SpawnedActor parameter to the actor it spawned.
 *  [Next, the generated byte code will set the expose on spawn parameters to whatever the user has set]
 *  If you spawned something, FinishSpawningActor() will be called and pass in the same actor that was just spawned. You MUST call ExecuteConstruction + PostActorConstruction
 *  on this actor!
 *  This is a lot of steps but in general, AbilityTask_SpawnActor() gives a clear, minimal example.



  • UAbilityTask_WaitOverlap (very simple)
  • UAbilityTask_WaitTargetData ( much more complex)


  1. 在AbilityTask中定义dynamic multicast , BlueprintAssignable类型的delegate,这些委托就是task的输出。当这些委托触发时,我们会回到调用AbilityTask的蓝图中(通常是Ability)。
  2. 你需要定义一个static的工厂函数来实例化AbilityTask。该工厂函数的输入参数表,就是你对ability task的输入。在这个函数中,你应该创建你的task实例并设置你的成员变量初值。不应该在此调用任何委托。
  3. 实现Activate()函数。从这个函数开始你的task。你可以在这里安全地触发委托。

你还有一个check list要检查:

  • Override :: OnDestroy() 来注销你之前在task注册的callback。记得在合适的地方调用EndTask来结束任务。
  • Implemented an Activate function which truly 'starts' the task. Do not 'start' the task in your static factory function!

还有一部分是说在task中spawn actor,这里就不说明了。引擎提供了AbilityTask_SpawnActor()供参考。




// Copyright 1998-2019 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "ActionRPG.h"
#include "Abilities/Tasks/AbilityTask.h"
#include "RPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent.generated.h"

class URPGAbilitySystemComponent;

/** Delegate type used, EventTag and Payload may be empty if it came from the montage callbacks */
/**  我们先声明要使用的Delegate类型,还记得要求1)么? Dynamic multicast !!!
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FRPGPlayMontageAndWaitForEventDelegate, FGameplayTag, EventTag, FGameplayEventData, EventData);

 * This task combines PlayMontageAndWait and WaitForEvent into one task, so you can wait for multiple types of activations such as from a melee combo
 * Much of this code is copied from one of those two ability tasks
 * This is a good task to look at as an example when creating game-specific tasks
 * It is expected that each game will have a set of game-specific tasks to do what they want
class ACTIONRPG_API URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent : public UAbilityTask

    // Constructor and overrides
    URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);

// 要求3),重写Activate()
    virtual void Activate() override;

    virtual void ExternalCancel() override;
    virtual FString GetDebugString() const override;

//Check List , 重写OnDestroy来注销callback
    virtual void OnDestroy(bool AbilityEnded) override;

// 要求1) BlueprintAssignable的delegate提供蓝图支持
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** The montage completely finished playing */
    FRPGPlayMontageAndWaitForEventDelegate OnCompleted;

    /** The montage started blending out */
    FRPGPlayMontageAndWaitForEventDelegate OnBlendOut;

    /** The montage was interrupted */
    FRPGPlayMontageAndWaitForEventDelegate OnInterrupted;

    /** The ability task was explicitly cancelled by another ability */
    FRPGPlayMontageAndWaitForEventDelegate OnCancelled;

    /** One of the triggering gameplay events happened */
    FRPGPlayMontageAndWaitForEventDelegate EventReceived;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Play a montage and wait for it end. If a gameplay event happens that matches EventTags (or EventTags is empty), the EventReceived delegate will fire with a tag and event data.
     * If StopWhenAbilityEnds is true, this montage will be aborted if the ability ends normally. It is always stopped when the ability is explicitly cancelled.
     * On normal execution, OnBlendOut is called when the montage is blending out, and OnCompleted when it is completely done playing
     * OnInterrupted is called if another montage overwrites this, and OnCancelled is called if the ability or task is cancelled
     * @param TaskInstanceName Set to override the name of this task, for later querying
     * @param MontageToPlay The montage to play on the character
     * @param EventTags Any gameplay events matching this tag will activate the EventReceived callback. If empty, all events will trigger callback
     * @param Rate Change to play the montage faster or slower
     * @param bStopWhenAbilityEnds If true, this montage will be aborted if the ability ends normally. It is always stopped when the ability is explicitly cancelled
     * @param AnimRootMotionTranslationScale Change to modify size of root motion or set to 0 to block it entirely
   要求1) 静态工厂函数 , 前两个参数必须是UGameplayAbility* , FName
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Ability|Tasks", meta = (HidePin = "OwningAbility", DefaultToSelf = "OwningAbility", BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "TRUE"))
    static URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent* PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent(
        UGameplayAbility* OwningAbility,
        FName TaskInstanceName,
        UAnimMontage* MontageToPlay,
        FGameplayTagContainer EventTags,
        float Rate = 1.f,
        FName StartSection = NAME_None,
        bool bStopWhenAbilityEnds = true,
        float AnimRootMotionTranslationScale = 1.f);

    /** Montage that is playing */
    UAnimMontage* MontageToPlay;

    /** List of tags to match against gameplay events */
    FGameplayTagContainer EventTags;

    /** Playback rate */
    float Rate;

    /** Section to start montage from */
    FName StartSection;

    /** Modifies how root motion movement to apply */
    float AnimRootMotionTranslationScale;

    /** Rather montage should be aborted if ability ends */
    bool bStopWhenAbilityEnds;

    /** Checks if the ability is playing a montage and stops that montage, returns true if a montage was stopped, false if not. */
    bool StopPlayingMontage();

    /** Returns our ability system component */
    URPGAbilitySystemComponent* GetTargetASC();

    void OnMontageBlendingOut(UAnimMontage* Montage, bool bInterrupted);
    void OnAbilityCancelled();
    void OnMontageEnded(UAnimMontage* Montage, bool bInterrupted);
    void OnGameplayEvent(FGameplayTag EventTag, const FGameplayEventData* Payload);

// 用于绑定到montage的委托
    FOnMontageBlendingOutStarted BlendingOutDelegate;
    FOnMontageEnded MontageEndedDelegate;

// Delegate Handle用来清理对外部注册的delegate
    FDelegateHandle CancelledHandle;
    FDelegateHandle EventHandle;


  • OnMontageEnded : 触发OnCompleted蓝图输出引脚
  • PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent:静态工厂函数
  • Activate:执行task
  • OnDestroy: 清理注册到外部的delegate
void URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::OnGameplayEvent(FGameplayTag EventTag, const FGameplayEventData* Payload)
// 在broad cast 委托之前,都要调用 ShouldBroadcastAbilityTaskDelegates检测Ability是否有效
    if (ShouldBroadcastAbilityTaskDelegates())
        FGameplayEventData TempData = *Payload;
        TempData.EventTag = EventTag;
// Fire delegate
        EventReceived.Broadcast(EventTag, TempData);


URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent* URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent(UGameplayAbility* OwningAbility,
    FName TaskInstanceName, UAnimMontage* MontageToPlay, FGameplayTagContainer EventTags, float Rate, FName StartSection, bool bStopWhenAbilityEnds, float AnimRootMotionTranslationScale)
// 在开发阶段使用,控制montage的播放速度

//使用NewAbilityTask来创建ability task实例
    URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent* MyObj = NewAbilityTask<URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent>(OwningAbility, TaskInstanceName);

    MyObj->MontageToPlay = MontageToPlay;
    MyObj->EventTags = EventTags;
    MyObj->Rate = Rate;
    MyObj->StartSection = StartSection;
    MyObj->AnimRootMotionTranslationScale = AnimRootMotionTranslationScale;
    MyObj->bStopWhenAbilityEnds = bStopWhenAbilityEnds;

    return MyObj;


void URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::Activate()
    if (Ability == nullptr)

    bool bPlayedMontage = false;
// GetTargetASC的功能只是Cast
    URPGAbilitySystemComponent* RPGAbilitySystemComponent = GetTargetASC();

    if (RPGAbilitySystemComponent)
        const FGameplayAbilityActorInfo* ActorInfo = Ability->GetCurrentActorInfo();
//获得actor上的skeletal mesh comp的动画实例
        UAnimInstance* AnimInstance = ActorInfo->GetAnimInstance();
        if (AnimInstance != nullptr)
            // Bind to event callback
            EventHandle = RPGAbilitySystemComponent->AddGameplayEventTagContainerDelegate(EventTags, FGameplayEventTagMulticastDelegate::FDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::OnGameplayEvent));

// Play montage
            if (RPGAbilitySystemComponent->PlayMontage(Ability, Ability->GetCurrentActivationInfo(), MontageToPlay, Rate, StartSection) > 0.f)
                // Playing a montage could potentially fire off a callback into game code which could kill this ability! Early out if we are  pending kill.
                if (ShouldBroadcastAbilityTaskDelegates() == false)

                CancelledHandle = Ability->OnGameplayAbilityCancelled.AddUObject(this, &URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::OnAbilityCancelled);

// Set  montage delegates
                BlendingOutDelegate.BindUObject(this, &URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::OnMontageBlendingOut);
                AnimInstance->Montage_SetBlendingOutDelegate(BlendingOutDelegate, MontageToPlay);

                MontageEndedDelegate.BindUObject(this, &URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::OnMontageEnded);
                AnimInstance->Montage_SetEndDelegate(MontageEndedDelegate, MontageToPlay);

                ACharacter* Character = Cast<ACharacter>(GetAvatarActor());
                if (Character && (Character->Role == ROLE_Authority ||
                                  (Character->Role == ROLE_AutonomousProxy && Ability->GetNetExecutionPolicy() == EGameplayAbilityNetExecutionPolicy::LocalPredicted)))

                bPlayedMontage = true;
            ABILITY_LOG(Warning, TEXT("URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent call to PlayMontage failed!"));
        ABILITY_LOG(Warning, TEXT("URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent called on invalid AbilitySystemComponent"));
    if (!bPlayedMontage)
        ABILITY_LOG(Warning, TEXT("URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent called in Ability %s failed to play montage %s; Task Instance Name %s."), *Ability->GetName(), *GetNameSafe(MontageToPlay),*InstanceName.ToString());
        if (ShouldBroadcastAbilityTaskDelegates())
            OnCancelled.Broadcast(FGameplayTag(), FGameplayEventData());
/** Called when the ability task is waiting on ACharacter type of state (movement state, etc). IF the remote player ends the ability prematurely, and a task with this set is still running, the ability is killed. */
// 我们需要明确等待什么东西:
// Task is waiting for the game to do something 
//  WaitingOnGame = 0x01,

    // Waiting for the user to do something 
//  WaitingOnUser = 0x02,

    // Waiting on Avatar (Character/Pawn/Actor) to do something (usually something physical in the world, like land, move, etc) 
//  WaitingOnAvatar = 0x04


void URPGAbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::OnDestroy(bool AbilityEnded)
    // Note: Clearing montage end delegate isn't necessary since its not a multicast and will be cleared when the next montage plays.
    // (If we are destroyed, it will detect this and not do anything)
 // montage的delegate不是multicast的,所以会自动清除

    // This delegate, however, should be cleared as it is a multicast
    if (Ability)
        if (AbilityEnded && bStopWhenAbilityEnds)

    URPGAbilitySystemComponent* RPGAbilitySystemComponent = GetTargetASC();
    if (RPGAbilitySystemComponent)
        RPGAbilitySystemComponent->RemoveGameplayEventTagContainerDelegate(EventTags, EventHandle);




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