
作者: 阿凡布提龙珠珂 | 来源:发表于2017-08-31 12:37 被阅读0次




14岁去美国上Idyllwild Arts Academy艺术高中,学纯艺术。

Freshman和Junior两年被评选为最佳学生,学生会国际生代表,National Honour Society。

学校主题展《悖论》中获最佳作品奖Best Show,并被当地媒体报道。


多幅作品在棕榈泉Mellissa Morgan Gallery展出并出售


2018年三月,油画《Tea house》从35万件美国高中生作品中脱颖而出,获美国艺术写作大赛年度金奖

Ziyuan Tao(Tiva),

born in 2000, Beijing.

Showed strong passion for painting from early, painted her first oil at 5 years old.

Has been studying fine art at Idyllwild Arts Academy in USA since 2014.

From 2010 till now, spent one month every year in a Tibetan town and the local monastery, staying with the child monks and taught them Mandarin and drawing; and in the recent 4 years, she designed and taught art courses at the local girl orphanage school.

The Excellent Student at her Freshman and Junior year.

The international representative at Student Government .

The member of National Honor Society from Sophomore.

Best Show at school Theme Show<Paradox> , reported by local press.

Several pieces were published by school magazine<Parallax>.

Several pieces were exhibited at Melissa Morgan Gallery in Palm Spring and sold .

Attended school PR activity representing VA department. 

《Tea house》Golden Medal of Scholastic Arts&Writing Award

《One moment I see myself stabbing it and there is blood coming out 》Acylic on canvas

Atrist's statement:

The only thing that affects my aspirations and inspires me when working towards the wall is the piece itself.

Sometimes i focus on the subject of the piece too much, while I forget what my first intention was, but this piece is simply too big and too disorganized to that.

I do not know how to continue because I bear too many thoughts and each of them will take too long for deadline.

I am not disturbed by the chaos, I am disturbed by itself.

There is a moment, I see myself stab in it and there is blood coming out.

《Tea house》Acrylic 150*230cm 《Old picture》oil 40*60cm 《Media perception》news paper,wax 30*40cm each 《At this moment》Pen on canvas

Artist statement

what is intentionally paradoxical about this piece is that while I am in the time-consuming process of accomplishing it, the drawing is accomplishing me at the same time.

During the long meditative state of working on it for 37.5hours,when I have the space and time to watch my thoughts, I see paradox from a different viewpoint in this drawing.It is surprising and paradoxical to me how diverse people react to it, and to my decision to work on this piece, where there are completely contrasting perspectives due to their experiences and individuality.

From my perspective, I simultaneously experienced a realization of immediacy, and an absence of myself separate from my conditions. I felt both in control of the drawing of repetition, but out of control because of my changing emotions and my physical strength.

Never trying to give up on it, now with a small strip left, I feel completed. While in the state of completeness, the drawing is not finished.

Disorder face



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