BBC | 2018-02-09

BBC | 2018-02-09

作者: 关仲人 | 来源:发表于2018-02-09 20:28 被阅读2次


    I'm Debby Russ with the BBC News, hello.
    North Korea has held a large military parade in Pyongyang on the eve of the Winter Olympics in South Korea. The senior North Korea delegation is due to attend the Olympic Opening Ceremony. As Laura Baker reports.

    Kim Jong-un is sending his influential sister to the games in Pyeongchang, a move that's taken everyone by surprise. The speculation Kim Yo Jong is bringing a message from her brother. The South Korea government will have a diplomatic seating nightmare if she attends the opening ceremony, the US Vice President Mike Pence also be there with the father of Otto Warmbier, who died after being imprisoned in North Korea.

    The US official says America-led coalition air and artillery strike in Syria have killed about 100 pro-government troops in Deir al-Zor province. The coalition said the attack was launched responded to what it called an unprovoked and coordinated swat on the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces. The pro-government fighters were reportedly supported by artillery, rocket launchers and tanks. The spy says Russia was kept informed about the coalition response.


    The Venezuela Electoral Authorities have set the presidential election for the 22nd of April after talks between the government and opposition collapsed. The move says the state for the likely reelection of President Nicolas Maduro. Katy Watson reports.
    It has been a great deal of uncertainty of these elections including doubt of whether they'd happen at all. The opposition has hoped the vote will be held in the second half of this year, giving parties more time to decide on the candidate. With talks between the sides now stalled because of the disagreement over electoral conditions, the political battle continues, as does the uncertainty as to how the opposition will participate in the upcoming vote.

    A court in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka is giving its verdict in the corruption case against the main opposition leader Khaleda Zia. She faces charges involving funds donated to a charitable Children's Trust. If she's found guilty and sentenced to more than 2 years, she will not be able to contest parliamentary polls scheduled for the end of this year.
    You are listening to the World News from the BBC.


    在韩国冬奥会前夕,朝鲜在平壤举行了一场大型的阅兵仪式。朝鲜高级代表团将出席奥运会开幕式。以下是劳拉·贝克的报道。金正恩(Kim Jong-un)将派他妹妹金与正前往本次平昌奥运会,金与正也是一名有影响力的人物,此举让所有人大吃一惊。据推测,金与正(Kim Yo Jong)此行是要传递其兄长的信息。如果她要参加开幕式的话,韩国政府将要面临着一个外交就座噩梦,美国副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence )也将携奥托·瓦姆比尔(Otto Warmbier)的父亲共同出席,奥托在朝鲜被监禁后死亡。


    政府和反对党之间的谈话失败后,委内瑞拉选举委员会将总统选举日期定于4月22日。该举表明尼古拉斯·马杜罗总统(Nicolas Maduro)很有可能会再次被被选为总统。以下是凯蒂·华生的报道。

    位于孟加拉国首都达卡的一家法院对反对党主要领袖卡莉达·齐亚(Khaleda Zia)的贪污案做出判决。她被指控涉嫌挪用捐给儿童的慈善信托资金。她被指控涉嫌挪用捐给儿童的慈善信托资金。如果被判决有罪并被判处两年以上监禁,她将无法参加定于年底举行的议会投票。




        本文标题:BBC | 2018-02-09
