BBC | 2018-02-11

BBC | 2018-02-11

作者: 关仲人 | 来源:发表于2018-02-11 22:18 被阅读11次

    BBC News|台湾地震

    America say US-led coalition air and artillery strikes in Syria have killed about a hundred pro-government troops. The coalition said the attacks in Deir ez Zor Province were launched in response to what it called an unprovoked assault on US-backed forces.

    Turkey says it will be hosting the next three-way summit with Iran and Russia to discuss the conflict in Syria. It is not clear when the meeting will be held.

    South Korea's President will meet the delegation from Pyongyang, including the sister of the North Korean leader as they attend the Winter Olympics. However, officials from the South say substantive issues won’t be discussed before Seoul security and nuclear conditions are met.


    Bangladesh’s main opposition leader Khaleda Zia has appeared in court in the Capital Dhaka to hear the verdict in a corruption case against her. Clashes have already broken out between her supporters and the security forces despite tight security.

    Rescue workers in Taiwan are searching an apartment building that is leaning at a 45 degree angle after an earthquake struck the city of Hualian on Tuesday. Aftershocks are threatening to collapse the 12-storey block where up to 60 people are thought to be trapped.

    Research has shown that suicide rates in the United States 【1】spiked by 10% in the five months after the actor Robin Williams killed himself in 2014. The findings reinforced other studies that indicate that more people killed himself in the aftermath of a high profile suicide.

    1【[单独使用的动词](especially North American English) to rise quickly and reach a high value 迅速升值;急剧增值
    @The US dollar spiked to a three-month high. 美元猛然升值到三个月来的最高价。

    The German car maker Daimler has issued a second apology to China after its 【2】subsidiary Mercedes Benz quoted the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, in a social post on Monday. The post quoted the Dalai Lama’s saying, Look at the situations from all angles and you will become more open.

    2【 (N-COUNT) 附属公司;子公司 A subsidiary or a subsidiary company is a company which is part of a larger and more important company.】
    @...British Asia Airways, a subsidiary of British Airways. 英国亚洲航空公司,英国航空公司的子公司

    孟加拉国主要反对派领袖卡莉达 齐亚(Khaleda Zia)出席首都达卡的法庭上,听候其参涉贪污案的裁决结果。虽然戒备森严,但齐亚的支持者还是与安保部队发生了冲突。
    研究表明,自美国演员罗宾 威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)2014年自杀后的五个月间,美国的自杀率上升10%。此次研究结果加强了其他研究的论断,即高调自杀可能招致更多自杀案例。
    德国车企戴姆勒继其分公司梅赛德斯 奔驰(Mercedes Benz)周一在社交媒体上引用中国西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛的话后,两度向中国致歉。奔驰公司在引文中提到了达赖喇嘛说的这样一句话:从各个角度看问题,你会变得更加开明。



        本文标题:BBC | 2018-02-11
