简要说明:为了方便球迷出入俄罗斯观看世界杯比赛,在球迷购买了正式比赛任意场次的门票以后,可以通过球票在FIFA的官网申请FAN ID。
这是一个球迷的证件 ,上面有你护照的信息,姓名等等,FAN ID有如下几个作用:
1.凭借FAN ID 球迷可以在世界杯期间无限次的进出俄罗斯,这张FAN ID就相当于俄罗斯的签证Visa。
2.比赛日当天,凭FAN ID可以免费乘坐公共交通,如地铁,公交,甚至是往返城市的铁路,均是免费的。
3.进入球场,除了当前场次比赛门票,也需要验证FAN ID,两者均满足,才能够进入体育场内。
1.公民入境,持有俄罗斯的VISA或者球迷FAN ID均可入境,有FAN ID就不需要单独申请VISA了。
2.比赛日当天,凭FAN ID可以免费乘坐公共交通,只有FAN ID可以。
public sealed class IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute:System.Attribute
public string FAN_ID{ get; set;}
public string FAN_NAME{ get; set;}
public string VISA_ID{ get; set;}
通常有FAN_ID就可以了,ID代表着数据的标识,但我们在入境的途中,发生了一件小插曲,我的名字叫WANG HUAN,我们在FIFA注册的时候,用的英文名字的习惯,姓和名是反着的,HUAN WANG,但入境时,俄罗斯那边说你的名字和你护照的的名字不符合,要求你改掉(真的很死板),所以名字反了,也不行,必须打电话进行更正.....
VISA_ID 即是你申请了俄罗斯的签证,并假定他在有效期内。
public class Citizen{
public string passportNumber;
public string name;
public int age;
public int gender;//1-male 2 female
public Citizen(string passportNumber,string name,int age,int gender)
this.passportNumber = passportNumber;
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.gender = gender;
定义Citizen类,添加了一些常用的字段Field,主要用到pasportNumber和name,假定都已经申请了护照。名字就是上面提到的,即便你有了FAN ID,名字也是要进行验证的。
public class AirportCheckIn : MonoBehaviour {
public Citizen wanghuan;
public Citizen pengfei;
public Citizen gumenghua;
public Citizen bajia;
public Citizen hulei;
public List<Citizen> CitizenList = new List<Citizen> ();
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
wanghuan = new Citizen ("10001", "wanghuan", 29, 1);
pengfei = new Citizen ("10002", "pengfei", 30, 1);
gumenghua = new Citizen ("10003", "gumenghua", 32, 2);
bajia = new Citizen("10004","bajia",29,2);
hulei = new Citizen ("10005", "hulei", 33, 1);
CitizenList.Add (wanghuan);
CitizenList.Add (pengfei);
CitizenList.Add (gumenghua);
CitizenList.Add (bajia);
CitizenList.Add (hulei);
//check in
foreach (var citizen in CitizenList) {
CheckIn (citizen);
//free public transportation
foreach (var citizen in CitizenList) {
CheckPublicTransportationFree (citizen);
/// <summary>
/// Checks in
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if in was checked, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="val">Value.</param>
public bool CheckIn(Citizen val)
Type t = typeof(AirportCheckIn);//.GetType ();
FieldInfo info = t.GetField (val.name);
if (info.IsDefined (typeof(IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute),false)) {
IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute attribute = (IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (info, typeof(IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute));
if (attribute != null) {
string str = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.VISA_ID)) {
Debug.Log(val.name+" has the VISA of Russia.But do not have permission for free Public Transportation.");
} else {
str = val.name+" do NOT have the VISA of Russia.";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (attribute.FAN_ID)) {
str += " But " + val.name + " has the FAN ID,we need to check it!";
if (attribute.FAN_NAME.Equals (val.name)) {//compare with name
str += val.name + " FAN ID was approved,Public Transportation are free for you.";
Debug.Log (str);
} else {
str += " Unfortunately," + val.name + " FAN ID is not same as passport name,please call FIFA FAN ID CENTER to change it!";
Debug.Log (str);
return false;
} else {
Debug.Log(val.name+" do not have VISA and FAN ID! REJECTED!");
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Checks the public transportation free.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if public transportation free was checked, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="val">Value.</param>
public bool CheckPublicTransportationFree(Citizen val)
Type t = typeof(AirportCheckIn);//.GetType ();
FieldInfo info = t.GetField (val.name);
if (info.IsDefined (typeof(IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute),false)) {
IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute attribute = (IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (info, typeof(IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute));
if (attribute != null) {
string str = "";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.FAN_ID)) {
Debug.Log(val.name+" do not have FAN ID,you should buy tickets.");
} else {
str += val.name + " has the FAN ID.";
if (attribute.FAN_NAME.Equals (val.name)) {//compare with name
str += "and FAN ID was approved,Public Transportation are free for you! Enjoy the FIFA World Cup Show!";
Debug.Log (str);
} else {
str += " Unfortunately," + val.name + " FAN ID is not same as passport name,please call FIFA FAN ID CENTER to change it!";
Debug.Log (str);
return false;
return true;
public Citizen wanghuan;
public Citizen pengfei;
public Citizen gumenghua;
public Citizen bajia;
public Citizen hulei;
第四个是申请了俄罗斯签证,基本上是去旅行的(看球是必须要有FAN ID才能进场)
wanghuan = new Citizen ("10001", "wanghuan", 29, 1);
pengfei = new Citizen ("10002", "pengfei", 30, 1);
gumenghua = new Citizen ("10003", "gumenghua", 32, 2);
bajia = new Citizen("10004","bajia",29,2);
hulei = new Citizen ("10005", "hulei", 33, 1);
CitizenList.Add (wanghuan);
CitizenList.Add (pengfei);
CitizenList.Add (gumenghua);
CitizenList.Add (bajia);
CitizenList.Add (hulei);
//check in
foreach (var citizen in CitizenList) {
CheckIn (citizen);
//free public transportation
foreach (var citizen in CitizenList) {
CheckPublicTransportationFree (citizen);
/// <summary>
/// Checks in
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if in was checked, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="val">Value.</param>
public bool CheckIn(Citizen val)
Type t = typeof(AirportCheckIn);//.GetType ();
FieldInfo info = t.GetField (val.name);
if (info.IsDefined (typeof(IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute),false)) {
IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute attribute = (IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (info, typeof(IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute));
if (attribute != null) {
string str = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.VISA_ID)) {
Debug.Log(val.name+" has the VISA of Russia.But do not have permission for free Public Transportation.");
} else {
str = val.name+" do NOT have the VISA of Russia.";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (attribute.FAN_ID)) {
str += " But " + val.name + " has the FAN ID,we need to check it!";
if (attribute.FAN_NAME.Equals (val.name)) {//compare with name
str += val.name + " FAN ID was approved,Public Transportation are free for you.";
Debug.Log (str);
} else {
str += " Unfortunately," + val.name + " FAN ID is not same as passport name,please call FIFA FAN ID CENTER to change it!";
Debug.Log (str);
return false;
} else {
Debug.Log(val.name+" do not have VISA and FAN ID! REJECTED!");
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Checks the public transportation free.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if public transportation free was checked, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="val">Value.</param>
public bool CheckPublicTransportationFree(Citizen val)
Type t = typeof(AirportCheckIn);//.GetType ();
FieldInfo info = t.GetField (val.name);
if (info.IsDefined (typeof(IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute),false)) {
IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute attribute = (IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (info, typeof(IDENTITY_AUTHAttribute));
if (attribute != null) {
string str = "";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.FAN_ID)) {
Debug.Log(val.name+" do not have FAN ID,you should buy tickets.");
} else {
str += val.name + " has the FAN ID.";
if (attribute.FAN_NAME.Equals (val.name)) {//compare with name
str += "and FAN ID was approved,Public Transportation are free for you! Enjoy the FIFA World Cup Show!";
Debug.Log (str);
} else {
str += " Unfortunately," + val.name + " FAN ID is not same as passport name,please call FIFA FAN ID CENTER to change it!";
Debug.Log (str);
return false;
return true;