Gail C. Murphy(续)

Gail C. Murphy(续)

作者: zouxiaoyu | 来源:发表于2015-08-09 22:36 被阅读0次


1)Thomas Fritz,Gail C. Murphy,Emerson R. Murphy-Hill,Jingwen Ou,Emily Hill:Degree-of-knowledge: Modeling a developer's knowledge of code.ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.23(2):14:1-14:42(2014)(研究开发者对code的熟识度)

2)Gail C. Murphy,Mauro Pezzè:Introduction to the Special Issue International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012).ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.23(4):28:1-28:2(2014)

3)Sarah Rastkar,Gail C. Murphy,Gabriel Murray:Automatic Summarization of Bug Reports.IEEE Trans. Software Eng.40(4):366-380(2014)(这个工作都搞到TSE上去了。。真能搞啊)

4)Thomas Fritz,Elaine M. Huang,Gail C. Murphy,Thomas Zimmermann:Persuasive technology in the real world: a study of long-term use of activity sensing devices for fitness.CHI2014:487-496(好想知道CHI到底是一个什么类型的会议)

5)C. Albert Thompson,Gail C. Murphy:Recommending a starting point for a programming task: an initial investigation.RSSE@ICSE2014:6-8(推荐任务的着手点了,这个真牛逼呀,能想到这个。。又是推荐了。。

6)João Brunet,Gail C. Murphy,Ricardo Terra,Jorge C. A. de Figueiredo,Dalton Serey Guerrero:Do developers discuss design?MSR2014:340-343(开发者行为的挖掘)

7)Gail C. Murphy:Getting to Flow in Software Development.Onward!2014:269-281(去看看这个研究的又是啥!

8)André N. Meyer,Thomas Fritz,Gail C. Murphy,Thomas Zimmermann:Software developers' perceptions of productivity.SIGSOFT FSE2014:19-29(应该值得去看看又是开发者的视角)

9)Marc Palyart,Gail C. Murphy,Emerson R. Murphy-Hill,Xavier Blanc:Speculative reprogramming.SIGSOFT FSE2014:837-840(啥子东东?)

10)Emerson R. Murphy-Hill,Gail C. Murphy:Recommendation Delivery - Getting the User Interface Just Right.Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering2014:223-242(推荐系统!看来这个是重头戏啊!



1)Eirini Kalliamvakou,Marc Palyart,Gail C. Murphy,Daniela Damian:A Field Study of Modellers at Work.MiSE@ICSE2015:25-29(这个不知道是干嘛用的)

2) Mik Kersten,Gail C. Murphy:Reducing Friction for Knowledge Workers with Task Context.AI Magazine36(2):33-41(2015)




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