- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
Attended Students: 9
Attendance Record:
John (40) Beatrice (40) Jacob (23) Eliot (33) Bea (18) Atarah (8) Alfonso (18) Ethan (21) Jaden (22)
Unattended students: 2
Camila (12) Juliette (2)
Ethel (Sing songs ) Hilde (Catechism) George (Bible Story)
Ethel : Game Cici: (Coordinator)
Classroom: Room 304
The content of the class
1:Beginning prayer( We prayed Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory to be. )
2: Sing songs 《My God is so Great》

3:Catechism Questions about Ordination
Bishop ordained the priests. The ministerial priesthood differs from the common priesthood in essence, because it confers a scared power for the service of the faithful.

4: Bible Story Forty Years
Israelites stayed in the dessert for forty years. God gave them fresh water and Manna to sustain their lives and protect them.

5: Game Spelling Words
Teacher Ethel let the kids spell the words from the Bible, such as: Israel, Mary and etc.

5: Notes.