- 壁虎,这个单词是模拟某一种壁虎的叫声
- 壁虎也叫 wall tiger
- 壁虎是蜥蜴(lizard)的一种,蜥蜴是统称, lizard 是来源于拉丁语laisard, 也指蜥蜴
- 这是一个拟声词(onomatopoeia)
The expression of a thing by the sound of the word is what we call onomatopoeia
The word onomatopoeia is derived from two Greek roots: onoma, meaning "name", and poiein, meaning "to make" or "to create". - 其他的一些拟声词 buzz, hiss, splash, or cuckoo
buzz b^z 蜂鸣声
hiss 嘘声 嘶嘶声
splash 稀里哗啦地溅落
cuckoo 布谷鸟的声音