- 故事1
(老生)一位老先生经常抹点lotion让自己的皮肤看起来很棒 - 故事2
Imagine a lion who loves to use lotion to make his fur shiny and soft. He always roars "lotion" when he wants to apply some on his body. Lion sounds like lotion, and both have an O in the middle.
英文翻译:a liquid preparation used for softening and moisturizing the skin.
中文翻译: 洁肤液,护肤液,润肤乳
源自于古法语 derived from the French word lotion, which in turn was derived from the Latin word lotio, meaning “washing”.
词组:body lotion 身体乳
a. I always use lotion to keep my skin hydrated and soft.
b. I put some lotion on my hands after washing them.
c. I need to buy a new bottle of lotion for my face.
d. I put some lotion on my sunburn to soothe the pain.
e. I used a lotion to remove my makeup.
同根词 lotion->lution
- ablution /əb'luːʃən/
the act of washing oneself or a part of one's body, especially for ritual or hygienic purposes, or the water or liquid used for washing. 沐浴 净身
Before entering the mosque, he performed the ablution of washing his hands, face, and feet.
dilution /daɪˈluːʃən/ 稀释
di-, which means apart or away
The dilution of the shareholders' equity 稀释股东权益
elution 萃取
prefix e-, meaning out or away, and the verb luere, meaning to wash or rinse
To elute the caffeine from the coffee beans