sku与spu、规格与数量 类似淘宝选择

sku与spu、规格与数量 类似淘宝选择

作者: 夏日望天看云 | 来源:发表于2020-01-06 16:11 被阅读0次


    GIF 2020-1-6 16-05-18.gif
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        <div id="vmsimulatedDATA" class="productBox">
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            var vmsimulatedDATA = new Vue({
                el: "#vmsimulatedDATA",
                data: {
                    { //模拟后台返回的数据 多规格
                        "difference": [{ //所有的规格可能情况都在这个数组里
                                "id": "19",
                                "price": "200.00",
                                "stock": "19",
                                "difference": "100,白色,10G"
                            { //所有的规格可能情况都在这个数组里
                                "id": "191",
                                "price": "200.00",
                                "stock": "19",
                                "difference": "100,白色,50G"
                                "id": "20",
                                "price": "300.00",
                                "stock": "29",
                                "difference": "200,白色,10G"
                                "id": "201",
                                "price": "300.00",
                                "stock": "29",
                                "difference": "200,白色,50G"
                                "id": "21",
                                "price": "300.00",
                                "stock": "10",
                                "difference": "100,黑丝,10G"
                                "id": "211",
                                "price": "300.00",
                                "stock": "10",
                                "difference": "100,黑丝,50G"
                                "id": "22",
                                "price": "300.00",
                                "stock": "0",
                                "difference": "200,黑丝,10G"
                                "id": "221",
                                "price": "300.00",
                                "stock": "0",
                                "difference": "200,黑丝,50G"
                                "id": "23",
                                "price": "500.00",
                                "stock": "48",
                                "difference": "100,绿色,50G"
                                "id": "231",
                                "price": "500.00",
                                "stock": "48",
                                "difference": "100,绿色,10G"
                                "id": "24",
                                "price": "500.00",
                                "stock": "0",
                                "difference": "200,绿色,50G"
                                "id": "241",
                                "price": "500.00",
                                "stock": "0",
                                "difference": "200,绿色,10G"
                        "specifications": [{ //这里是要被渲染字段
                                "name": "尺寸",
                                "item": [{
                                        "name": "100",
                                        "name": "200",
                                "name": "颜色",
                                "item": [{
                                        "name": "白色",
                                        "name": "黑丝",
                                        "name": "绿色",
                                "name": "内存",
                                "item": [{
                                        "name": "10G",
                                        "name": "50G",
                    selectArr: [], //存放被选中的值
                    shopItemInfo: {}, //存放要和选中的值进行匹配的数据
                    subIndex: [], //是否选中 因为不确定是多规格还是但规格,所以这里定义数组来判断
                created: function () {
                    var self = this;
                    for (var i in self.simulatedDATA.difference) {
                        self.shopItemInfo[self.simulatedDATA.difference[i].difference] = self.simulatedDATA
                                i]; //修改数据结构格式,改成键值对的方式,以方便和选中之后的值进行匹配
                mounted: function () {
                methods: {
                    specificationBtn: function (item, n, event, index) {
                        var self = this;
                        if (self.selectArr[n] != item) {
                            self.selectArr[n] = item;
                            self.subIndex[n] = index;
                        } else {
                            self.selectArr[n] = "";
                            self.subIndex[n] = -1; //去掉选中的颜色 
                    checkItem: function () {
                        var self = this;
                        var option = self.simulatedDATA.specifications;
                        var result = []; //定义数组存储被选中的值
                        for (var i in option) {
                            result[i] = self.selectArr[i] ? self.selectArr[i] : '';
                        for (var i in option) {
                            var last = result[i]; //把选中的值存放到字符串last去
                            for (var k in option[i].item) {
                                result[i] = option[i].item[k].name; //赋值,存在直接覆盖,不存在往里面添加name值
                                option[i].item[k].isShow = self.isMay(result); //在数据里面添加字段isShow来判断是否可以选择
                            result[i] = last; //还原,目的是记录点下去那个值,避免下一次执行循环时避免被覆盖
                        self.$forceUpdate(); //重绘
                    isMay: function (result) {
                        for (var i in result) {
                            if (result[i] == '') {
                                return true; //如果数组里有为空的值,那直接返回true
                        return this.shopItemInfo[result].stock == 0 ? false :
                            true; //匹配选中的数据的库存,若不为空返回true反之返回false



          本文标题:sku与spu、规格与数量 类似淘宝选择
