2020-02-08-Coronavirus Outbreak

2020-02-08-Coronavirus Outbreak

作者: Mandy生活札记 | 来源:发表于2020-02-08 15:41 被阅读0次

Coronavirus outbreak tests world’s dependence on China.


The world is quickly realizing how much itdepends on China.


Apple is rerouting supply chains. Ikea is closing its stores and paying stuff members to stay home. Starbucks is warning of a financial blow. Ford and Toyota will idle some of its vast Chinese assembly plants for an extra week.


The mysterious coronavirus has virtually shut down one of world's most important  growth engines. Desperate to slow the fast-moving virus, The Chinese authorities  have extended the country's national holiday and crippled land, rail and air transport. Entire cities have shut down.


The full extend of the hit to the broader business world is not yet clear. "our members are dealing with varying degrees of disruption in their businesses," said Jake Parker, the senior vice president of the US-China Business Council, 


If travel restrictions and qurantines are expanded or the holiday extended further," that will amplify  theseproblems."


New expressions:

Test vt.测验,检测

Dependence n.依靠

Dependent adj.依靠的

Reroute v.重新安排路线,重新调整

Reroute supply chains 重新调整供应链

Warn of 警告某事

Financial blow 财务冲击 

Blow n.冲击(hit 的意思)

Idle vt.使空转(Do nothing)

Idle adj. 空间的, idle capacity 闲置产能 比如:This plan has some idle capacity.

Growth Engignes 增长引擎

Virtually adv. 基本上地(almost/nearly) 在写作中的功能是能够软化语气,同时具有强调的作用。

类似的功能词语:literally, as a matter of fact

Desperate adj.极度渴望的 (Great need/desire to do sth)

Desperate diseases need desperate remedies (乱世用重典,通过严苛的法律效果惩罚犯罪,来达以治理社会的目的。)

Extent n.程度, 相当于degree

To some extent 从某种程度上说

Disruption n.中断,打断

Quarantine n.隔离;这个词来源于意大利语,罗马时代,隔离是一般是四十天,所以演变成Quarantine 

The full extent of the hit to the world's business world is not yet clear.


Amplify vt.放大


1. Effect-Cause 先说影响,再深挖原因  开头先把更种影响说出来,如Apple, Ikea, Starbucks 这些店的影响,再说原因

2. Cause-Effect 先讲原因,再阐述结果



      本文标题:2020-02-08-Coronavirus Outbreak
