Recent complaints.

Recent complaints.

作者: 岗鉴 | 来源:发表于2017-07-20 00:19 被阅读35次

    Sounds like a lot of bad news today.

    Work is still so boring,What the leader said began to be mean.The summer in Beijing is especially hot and can't lift any spirit.

    The worst part is I am moving away from my own house.Originally I did the teacher qualification certificate and the graduate student plan.Now there is no sense of security.

    People say it's always hard to start a job.I felt so helpless when I suddenly met the bottleneck.

    My salary can't support my dream,My dream is not enough to keep me on the ground.

    Now I just want to comfort.

    I can't catch Pushkin《 if life is cheating on you》,A boring afternoon from the lie to myself.I really know that life is not easy, in the future of the day, I will remember the lesson, a good summary of myself.

    The sad days will always pass, and the good sunshine will back.

    May we all enjoy the good future ,and It doesn't matter have a little bitter at the moment.



          本文标题:Recent complaints.
