The Monkey and the Dolphin(猴子和海豚

The Monkey and the Dolphin(猴子和海豚

作者: 不叁不柒 | 来源:发表于2018-12-29 11:43 被阅读0次

    It happened once upon a time that a certain Greek ship bound for Athens was wrecked off the coast close to Piraeus, the port of Athens.(很久以前,有一艘开往雅典的希腊船只在雅典的比雷埃夫斯港附近的海岸处沉没了。)

    Had it not been for the Dolphins, who at that time were very friendly toward mankind and especially toward Athenians, all would have perished.(要不是那些亲近人类,尤其亲近雅典人的海豚出手相助,船上的人早就没命了。)

    But the Dolphins took the shipwrecked people on their backs and swam with them to shore.(海豚驮着失事船只上的人游向岸边。)

    Now it was the custom among the Greeks to take their pet monkeys and dogs with them whenever they went on a voyage.(那时,希腊人习惯外出旅行时带上他们的宠物猴子和狗。)

    So when one of the Dolphins saw a Monkey struggling in the water, he thought it was a man, and made the Monkey climb up on his back.(因此当一只海豚看见一只猴子在水中挣扎的时候,他以为那只猴子是人,于是让猴子爬到他的背上。)

    Then off he swam with him toward the shore.(然后他驮着猴子游向岸边。)

    The Monkey sat up, grave and dignified, on the Dolphin's back.(坐在海豚背上的猴子摆出一副庄严高贵的神态)

    “You are a citizen of illustrious Athens, are you not?” asked the Dolphin politely.


    “Yes,” answered the Monkey, proudly.


    “My family is one of the noblest in the city.”


    “Indeed,” said the Dolphin.


    “Then of course you often visit Piraeus.”


    “Yes, yes,” replied the Monkey.


    “Indeed, I do.


    I am with him constantly.


    Piraeus is my very best friend.”(比雷埃夫斯是我最好的朋友。”)

    This answer took the Dolphin by surprise, and, turning his head, he now saw what it was he was carrying.(海豚对猴子的答案感到很惊诧,他回过头来一看,顿时看清了自己身上载着的东西。)

    Without more ado, he dived and left the foolish Monkey to take care of himself, while he swam off in search of some human being to save.(于是他二话不说就潜回海里,留下猴子自己照顾自己,与此同时海豚继续游到别处救人。)


    One falsehood leads to another.(寓言:




          本文标题:The Monkey and the Dolphin(猴子和海豚
