iOS 通用链接Universal Links(更新到最新的io

iOS 通用链接Universal Links(更新到最新的io

作者: 天上飞的狒狒 | 来源:发表于2020-03-16 22:00 被阅读0次

什么是Universal Links?


Universal Links是iOS9推出的一项功能,你的应用如果iOS设备上已经安装了你的app可以通过传统的HTTP链接来启动APP,iOS设备上没有安装你的app来打开网页。

官方的说明文档 怎么使用Universal Links。


2.需要在开发者中心做配置:找到对应的App ID,在Application Services列表里有Associated Domains一条,把它变为Enabled就可以了。


3.打开工程配置中的Associated Domains,在其中的Domains中填入你想支持的域名,必须以applinks:为前缀。



ios 12及其以前

  "applinks": {
      "apps": [],
      "details": [
             "appID": "ABCDE12345.com.example.app",
             "paths": [ "/buy/*", "NOT /help/website/*", "/help/*" ]
             "appID": "ABCDE12345.com.example.app2",
             "paths": [ "/buy/*", "NOT /help/website/*", "/help/*" ]
   "webcredentials": {
      "apps": [ "ABCDE12345.com.example.app" ]


  "applinks": {
      "details": [
             "appIDs": [ "ABCDE12345.com.example.app", "ABCDE12345.com.example.app2" ],
             "components": [
                  "#": "no_universal_links",
                  "exclude": true,
                  "comment": "Matches any URL whose fragment equals no_universal_links and instructs the system not to open it as a universal link"
                  "/": "/buy/*",
                  "comment": "Matches any URL whose path starts with /buy/"
                  "/": "/help/website/*",
                  "exclude": true,
                  "comment": "Matches any URL whose path starts with /help/website/ and instructs the system not to open it as a universal link"
                  "/": "/help/*",
                  "?": { "articleNumber": "????" },
                  "comment": "Matches any URL whose path starts with /help/ and which has a query item with name 'articleNumber' and a value of exactly 4 characters"
   "webcredentials": {
      "apps": [ "ABCDE12345.com.example.app" ]

- appID:组成方式是 teamId.yourapp’s bundle identifier。如上面的 9JA89QQLNQ就是teamId。登陆开发者中心,在Account - Membership里面可以找到Team ID


  1. 上传该文件到你的域名所对应的根目录或者.well-known目录下,这是为了苹果能获取到你上传的文件。上传完后,自己先访问一下,看看是否能够获取到,当你在浏览器中输入这个文件链接后,应该是直接下载apple-app-site-association文件。




6.如果能够下载成功了,为了能够分享到微信和QQ,你还需要到微信开发者中心中和QQ互联中填写Universal Links并且需要验证



*   The `apple-app-site-association` file is cached *once* when the app is first installed.
*   If this initial scrape fails, in almost all situations it will not be reattempted. The only exception to this is if the initial return is a 5xx error, in which case a limited number of retries may occur. This is not well-documented, and is not covered in Universal Links documentation at all. You can find a mention in the [Shared Web Credentials docs](https://developer.apple.com/reference/security/1654440-shared_web_credentials).
*   The file is *not* checked at all when a Universal Link is opened. This is why you are able to get Universal Links behavior in airplane mode.
*   The file does not expire. Once it is cached, it sticks permanently for as long as the app is installed.
*   The file will be re-checked when installing an app update.
*   The file must be accessible via a valid SSL connection at either `https://example.com/apple-app-site-association` or `https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association`. If there are redirects of any kind, this will fail.
*   It is theoretically possible to MITM the request if you are able to install a new SSL certificate directly on the device in question. [Charles Proxy](https://www.charlesproxy.com) for example uses this approach for debugging. I have never seen or heard of this being exploited, and the damage would be quite limited because the domain still has to be specified inside the app itself.



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      本文标题:iOS 通用链接Universal Links(更新到最新的io
