- How to work for best results
- space your learning
- don't rush
- review
- test yourself
session 1
- me fist - an egoist.
- the height of conceit - an egotist.
- let me help you - an altruist.
- leave me alone - an introvert.
- let's do it together - an extrovert.
- neither extreme - an ambivert.
- people are no damn good - a misanthrope.
- woman are no damn good - a misogynist.
- marriage is an institution - a misogamist.
- that the flesh is heir to - an ascetic.
session 2
- ego - I
- egocentric - yourself the center of the universe.
- egomaniac - extreme your needs、desires.
- egomaniacal - adj
- alter- others
- alternate - other possible, to take one, skip one.
- alteration - a change
- altercation - argument.
- alternative - a choice, one who substitutes for another
- alter ego - one's other self
- altruism - putting another's above one's own.
- altruistic- interested in the welfare of others.