
作者: 妙宗舶攸 | 来源:发表于2018-04-29 08:18 被阅读156次

    My beloved Rattenbaer,

    I am thinking of you with love and relish the memories of our happy times together,too. darling!!

    Although sometimes bunny is naughty and has little temper, bear always
    don’t spoil bunny and insist on his right way. always tolerate bunny and gives bunny a good leading to the right thing. Thank u my love. But when bunny ask for something not break your rule, bear always follow bunny’s wishes and satisfy her. even sometimes not so reasonable. Because bunny is a woman and woman sometimes do not want to be logical, haha, they are emotional animal, you know.

    Thanks for all the thing you did for me. they are so precious to me. I will cherish all the best memories of us .

    Bunny do not want to spend bear’s money, bunny can make money too. But as a family bear has to take some responsibility, so bunny need bear’s 600 euro every month, but bunny may not spend them but save them to do some investment for our baby’s future education. Bunny has two apartments from bunny’s parent, so bear do not need to rent or buy any more home for bunny, that’s a good thing , isn’t it? Our little bunny-bears will live happily with bunny Mom and bear Dad. aren’t they?

    bunny is smart, bear is trustful and hardworking, we are a great team.

    Looking forward to our wedding in Summer. my dear bear.

    wo ai ni.

    yours bunny



      • 金飞昔比one:不知作者是歪果仁,还是有意练习英文写作。猛地一看,有点棘手,工作的环境不需要用到英语,所以,除了上学时学的那几个单词外,其他的全还给老师了,对于您的英文家书,有点感慨,也有点去学习英语的冲动!
        妙宗舶攸:@金飞昔比one 我对象是歪果仁,所以我们几乎每天都在写信交流,他一年也只能回家两三次,一次两三周。所以家书抵万金啊。
      • 娜些小美好:不由自主的想问声:老师好~

