What's the deal with Sheldon's friend Amy? Sheldon和他朋友Amy是啥关系

Could you run it by Sheldon if I could ask her out? 能否帮我问问Sheldon 我能不能约她出去玩

Can I talk to you about something? 我能跟你谈件事吗

He wanted me to find out if you'd have a problem with him asking her out. 他叫我问问 你介不介意他约Amy出去

What do you say? 怎么样

What does it hurt to look around? 何不发展新恋情呢

I don't get it, either. 我也搞不懂

What's up? 怎么了

I came to ask if you would like to go on a date with me. 我是来问你 愿不愿意跟我约会

But, out of curiosity, what is a way? 不过 纯属好奇 怎么才能把她抢回来

Do you see where I'm going with this? 你明白我的意思了吗

What are you doing here? 你来这干嘛

Thanks for seeing me to my door. 谢谢送我到家门口

How did you get into my apartment? 你怎么进来我家的
