
作者: 鼠姑娘 | 来源:发表于2018-07-14 11:39 被阅读61次







Self Introduction:

Allow me to introduce myself; my name is xx. I’m a simple guy who is looking for my special someone. I’ve met several really good people both in person, and online, but have yet to find that one person with whom I can make a real romantic connection with. Maybe you can relate?(这里他很诚实提到有跟几个异性见过面但还没找到心动的。)

As for what I am about, I guess I’m a bit of a homebody. I like making different dinners, watching new movies with friends, playing party games that spark conversations, going for long walks, and generally taking it easy. I do like to get out now and then, and try new things. It’s fun seeing new places, and meeting new people. I enjoy camping, and kayaking, but admit I don’t get to do it as often as I would like.

I’m looking for someone with heart, a good sense of humor, and maybe someone who is a little crazy just to keep things interesting. I’m pretty open minded, and love meeting new people. It’s fun talking with someone new and comparing movies, music, games, family history, interests, hobbies, and everything else this world has to offer.

What I m doing with my life?I recently started a new career as an exterminator of all things.

When we were in 3rd grvade, and the teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grow up, I'm pretty sure nobody said "exterminator". Still, it's honest work, pays the bills, and every day is different, with new challenges. I am grateful to have found this career.


I Also have a small Business DJing for weddings, school dances, and private parties. I also compose music for web sites, and such. My own little slice of the American Pie.

I like to watch movies, play the guitar, or a video game, or maybe run a muck with some good friends. Oh the mucks we have run! I like quiet evenings at home, watching movies, and playing my guitar, and such.

I m really good at Killing Zombies. I also write music, and do private recordings. I

play a variety of instruments.(有点幽默感)

The first thing people notice about me:

I am overly "nice". It freaks people out sometimes. I'm just so eager to get to know people, and I want people to like me, so I end up trying too hard.(我要对号入座,我就是很热心肠!)

Favorite books movies shows music and food I like some poetry. I started reading it to gain a better understanding of how to write lyrics for music. I love horror flicks. New and old. I am fond of 80's horror.

I'm a student of all musics, but personally enjoy vintage Rock n Roll, and modern Rock. 3 Days Grace, Puddle Of Mud, The Offspring, and Muse for starters.

Six things I could never do without

A roof over my head

Someone to love

My six string guitar

My cat

A warm bed to sleep in

and you...?

I spent a lot of time thinking about

I think about music, poetry, and hopes of meeting a special someone.

On a typical Friday night i am

...at home making dinner, and watching a movie. I don't really do the bars too much, but they are fun from time to time.

The most private thing I am willing to admit: Shhhh.... It's a secret. ;-)

You should message me if: you are an open minded, silly, intelligent woman. Someone a little crazy, and sassy, and intelligent. I miss the little things about

being in a relationship. You know, holding hands, cuddling up on the couch together under a blanket, kisses, and having someone to call and ask how there day was. Do you feel the same way?(我忍不住要对号入座:我就是有点疯狂、有点幽默、有点开放、有点sassy,有点小聪明。)


第一问 能接受的约会多久滚床单

第二问:是否必须婚前试性? 第三问:初次约会是否滚床单? 第四问:是否与同性滚床单?他的说明幽默有趣。










第13问:对堕胎看法。 第14问: 看“心眼”。 第15问: 看守信度。 第16问:还是关于种族歧视。 第17问:严肃程度。 第18问:对交往对象的信任度。



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    鼠姑娘:@落子秋 我想全部翻译,但介绍太长加上有些词我也看不懂。:)

