几何图形运算 - geometry

几何图形运算 - geometry

作者: 猿来是八阿哥 | 来源:发表于2019-07-31 11:12 被阅读0次

    这个是自己写的一个几何图形运算的类库,已经开源。欢迎大家 start 或者提issue。
    目前项目还在更新中,我会定时同步项目的 README.md 到这篇文章上的。

    github: https://github.com/Guojunzhou-git/geometry


    A php composer library of geometry operating


    1. Point Point::__construct(x, y);

    • Given x and y, return a Point instance

    2. string Point::getUniqueLabel();

    • Generate a qunite string identification of Point

    3. boolean Point::isInLine(Line line);

    • Return whether this point is in the target line

    4. boolean Point::isInEdge(Edge edge);

    • Return whether this point is in the target edge

    5. boolean Point::isSameWithPoint(Point point);

    • Return whethis this point has same x and same y with the target point


    1. Line Line::__construct(a, b, c);

    • Give the parameters of Line formula Ax+By+C=0, return a Line instance

    2. Line Line::fromTwoPoint(Ponit p1, Point p2);

    • Return a Line instance by providing two different point

    3. boolean Line::isPointOnLine(Point p);

    • Retrue whether the target Ponit in this line

    4. GeometryException/boolean/Point Line::intersectWithLine(Line line);

    • Raise a GeometryException with code=11002 when two lines are the same
    • Return a boolean false when two lines are parallel
    • Reruen the intersection Point when two line intersects


    1. Edge Edge::__constrct(Line line, xrange=[0,0], yrange=[0,0]);

    • Give a Line and the ranges of x and y, return an instance of Edge

    2. Edge Edge::fromTwoEndpoint(Point p1, Point p2);

    • Give two points, return the Edge instance with endpoint given

    3. boolea Edge::isPointOnEdge(Point p)

    • Return whether the given point on this Edge

    4. GeometryException/boolean/Point Edge::intersectWithLine(Line line)

    • Raise a GeometryException with code=11002 when this edge is a part of line
    • Return a boolean false when edge is parallel with line
    • Reruen the intersection Point when edge intersects with line in its range


    1. Polygon Polygon::fromEndpoints(Point[] points);

    • Give the clockwise endpoints of polygon, return an instance of Polygon

    2. boolean Polygon::isPointInPolygon(Point p)

    • Return whether the target Point in Polygon



          本文标题:几何图形运算 - geometry
