My Sadness

作者: 瑞鹏6236 | 来源:发表于2019-08-01 23:51 被阅读5次

        The story came up in my Senior 1.There was a time when  I suffered a failure of test,  I was lost in sorrow, and didn't want to do anything. With my sadness spreading, my friend sitting in front of me discovered my abnormal behavior.After class, she asked me whether I was discouraged by the examination.And it was no doubt that I said yes.  After hearing this, she just asked me to forget it, and told me that the life was more than long, we didn't need to care too much about the adversity, and we were just supposed to cherish our happiness.  Following what she suggested, I got out of the pain soon.

       After getting along with each other for two months, I fell in love with her.On a bright evening, I said I loved her after picking up my courage. That moment, she was exceedingly surprised, and asked me to say it again.Without any thinking, I did so. After I said it again, she smiled to me with two red clouds floating on her face, and then she left.That night, she published her QQ signature which said she was not single.After seeing it, I was deeply hurt as if I were hit by the lightning.I asked my best friend who also loved her  what had happened.He just told me that it was April Fool's Day today, and she had owned her boyfriend .Hearing this, I thought I would be dead and was absorbed into my pain.With a broken heart, what she had said suddenly stroke me, I thought I should forget what had happened. From then on, I had never got close to her, although she often smiled to me and cared for me a lot.

        With time going on, I fell in love with another girl, and I expressed my love again.This time I was more than fortunate, because she agreed.I was exceedingly glad, and wanted to announce it to the whole world.With the next day coming, there were three girls waiting for me. I was particularly surprised, for the reason that I saw the two girls I loved.Before I said anything, the two girls called me a bad boy, and the third girl who loved me claimed that she was too stupid to love such a terrible guy. After returning the dormitory, I asked my best friend who also loved the two girls what had happened.He just said that they didn't love me, and I felt I had died again.Within that time, I even lost the taste of food.What's more, my grades went from the top to the bottom.But fortunately, I had learned more than 18 skills to forget pain. 

        And one month later, my best friend who loved the two girls succeeded in getting  the love of the first girl. And After two weeks, he desserted her without saying anything, and then chased the second girl.Unfortunately, he succeed again, and cast her away in one month.Several days later, the third girl, who had found her boyfriend, told me the truth.And only after hearing her words, could I acknowledge what had happened.The truth was that both of them loved me, and my so-called best friend didn't regard me as his friend at all. I could hardly accepted the fact, and my heart was broken again. After that, I was addicted in drinking on weekends.And it was not until the summer vacation came that I could forget it.

        As time went by, I reminiscenced the love between the first girl and me, so I expressed my love to her again. But to my surprise, she refused me with a cold expression, saying that she would not forgive me forever.Hearing her words, I was filled with guilt, and it took me about two weeks to forget it.Since then,I had formed the habit of forgetting pain, and I believed that I would never hurt  any girl in the future, even though they hurt me.



        本文标题:My Sadness
