Training on the 02-03/03/2019

Training on the 02-03/03/2019

作者: Zim_72fd | 来源:发表于2019-03-06 16:45 被阅读0次
Training on the 02-03/03/2019

The training on this weekend was not good because there was a presence of a very bad  air pollution where the kids could not play in that situation.

But on Saturday it was a good time to improve our knowledge as coaches where we did a small course to improve our skills of coaching and it was effective.

On Sunday the weather become a bit good where the kids came and train but the number were a bit small than before.

We started the training by a warm up where it involved touching the ball and  and do small skills like trying to stop the ball they threw in the air and also dribbling  with a ball .

Training on the 02-03/03/2019

Then  we  did  exercise that involves coordination and running a lot those exercise help the kids to get better with the coordination then we started an exercise that involves passing the ball and dribbling since the kids were starters it was a  bit hard for them  because they have a problem with stopping the ball. We practiced until they got better.

Training on the 02-03/03/2019

After we did an exercise of shooting where they had to pass in the corners and try to shoot as hard as they can plus try to score in the goal.

Then we played a game of  3vs3 and tried to do introduce position of players in the game  and we had a good results.

Training on the 02-03/03/2019

Last we did  a stretching as one time .

Training on the 02-03/03/2019 Training on the 02-03/03/2019


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